Bicycle MetalLuxe Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Bicycle MetalLuxe Playing Cards

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company
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Printed by: USPCC
Box seal: Yes
Custom faces: No
Includes a blank facer: No
Includes a double-backer: No
Includes matching jokers: No

Printed by USPCC
Printed by
Standard faces

Bicycle MetalLuxe Playing Cards

25.95 usd

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company (25.95)

In stock.

You demanded them and now they’re finally here!

Bicycle MetalLuxe Playing Cards are back for a LIMITED TIME ONLY in two new exclusive colors—Gold and Emerald—that were originally only offered to members of the posh Club 808.

These are the most cherished luxury playing cards ever made, and Jokarte has worked diligently with the US Playing Card Company to bring them back to life for every magician, cardist or poker player. Using MetalLuxe technology, each limited edition deck of Bicycle MetalLuxe Playing Cards has real metal infused into the cards for an unavoidable shine. The court cards have also been resigned, along with the tuck box, which is now crafted with premium black stock and accented with lavish embossing and foiling.

Bicycle MetalLuxe Playing Cards are manufactured on air-cushioned stock with a special Magic Finish that is 4x more durable and 30% more flexible than other decks of cards. They offer the superior handling and flexibility needed to enhance all your favorite card tricks and card games.

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