Bicycle Negro Leagues Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Bicycle Negro Leagues Playing Cards

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company
5.50 Possibly discontinued.
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Bicycle Negro Leagues Playing Cards

5.50 usd

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company (5.50)

Possibly discontinued.
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The Negro Leagues Baseball Museum (NLBM) is a privately funded, non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the rich history of African-American baseball.

Bicycle's partnership with the NLBM means that 15¢ of every deck sold is donated to the museum. These unique cards feature tan rider backs with a vintage baseball motif on the front and a look of red stitching at two corners. 24 different logos are showcased on the cards, as well as four exclusive photographs of NLB Championship Teams.

The Negro Leagues Baseball Museum Deck is printed on quality Bicycle card stock with air-cushion finish, and features original art on the front of each card. The logos and photographs have been used with permission from the NLBM. The decks are made in the USA at the United States Playing Card Company.

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