Bicycle PIXEL Playing Cards (3 Deck Collector’s Set)

Bicycle PIXEL Playing Cards (3 Deck Collector’s Set)

Deck of cards by TCC Presents
85.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Card stock: Regular
Card finish: Air Cushoned
Printed by: USPCC
Box seal: No
Custom faces: Yes

Printed by USPCC
Printed by
Card finish
Air Cushoned
Card stock
card stock
Custom faces

Bicycle PIXEL Playing Cards (3 Deck Collector’s Set)

85.00 usd

Deck of cards by TCC Presents (85.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

A project more than a year in the making, this is simply the most innovative collector’s set we’ve ever seen. Just take a look at the pictures, and watch the video, if you don’t believe us. But, don’t take too long, as only 700 of these exclusive sets were ever made. They WILL sell out.

With each set, you’re going to receive 3 decks of cards: 1 Deck of Red Bicycle PIXEL Playing Cards, 1 Deck of Blue Bicycle PIXEL Playing Cards and 1 Special Edition Deck of White PIXEL Playing Cards.

All 3 decks come in a remarkable collector’s box modeled after the legendary Nintendo FAMICOM (a.k.a. Nintendo NES). Each box is lined with protective velvet and sponge, and features dedicated slots for the Red and Blue decks. The special White Bicycle PIXEL Deck is secured in an exclusive gaming controller card box that is hidden in a secret compartment where you’ll find it tethered to the console like it’s ready to use for Donkey Kong or Super Mario.

What are Bicycle PIXEL Playing Cards?

Bicycle PIXEL Playing Cards are insanely collectable decks of cards that have been fully customized by TCC Playing Cards with a nostalgia-inducing, vintage video game pixel design. Each 56-card deck is printed on quality paper with an air-cushioned embossed finish by the United States Playing Card Company. While the Red and Blue Editions share similar designs, the White Edition features totally different illustrations on the Aces and Jokers.

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