Embarking on a visionary journey, Braniff Airways soared into existence as the brainchild of two brothers, forging an alliance that birthed one of the world's premier airlines. Rooted in the heart of Oklahoma City since 1927, Braniff evolved into a global powerhouse, connecting travelers to 89 destinations worldwide.
The pivotal year of 1965 witnessed Braniff's groundbreaking move with the introduction of the "The End of the Plain Plane" advertising campaign, a bold and imaginative pivot that left an indelible mark on the aviation landscape.
Alexander Girard, an icon in the realm of graphic design, lent his brilliance to redefine the entire air travel experience, turning every moment in the aid with Braniff into a captivating experience. Infusing vibrant hues, sumptuous fabrics, and mid-century modern aesthetics into 17,542 touch points throughout the Braniff International journey - spanning from the aircraft livery to blankets, furniture, and brand identity - Girard transformed Braniff into the trend setter of international travel.
These playing cards pay homage to that glamorous jet-set era, commemorating Braniff's enduring impact on the realms of art, fashion, design, and travel.