Chrome Kings Artist Edition Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Chrome Kings Artist Edition Playing Cards

Deck of cards by LLC Handlordz
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Designed by: De've Vom Schattenreich
Card finish: Air Cushioned
Printed by: USPCC
Box seal: Yes
Custom faces: Yes
Includes matching jokers: No

Printed by USPCC
Printed by
Card finish
Air Cushioned
Custom faces

Chrome Kings Artist Edition Playing Cards

13.00 usd

Deck of cards by LLC Handlordz (13.00)

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With more than 30 custom decks of the world’s finest cardistry playing cards under his belt, many people believe legendary playing card designer De'vo vom Schattenreich is the king of cardistry playing cards. And, anyone who doesn’t believe that, will surely eat their words once they lay eyes on the Chrome Kings Artist Edition Playing Cards.

This insanely gorgeous deck of cards was created as part of De’vo’s passion project—Chrome Kings Playing Cards. It has been crafted exclusively with deck collectors in mind and features a level of ingenuity and design unlike anything we’ve ever seen with every playing card being fully detailed and 3D modeled from scratch.

The back design uses a dragon-inspired illustration to differ itself from the Players Edition. Each court card in the Chrome Kings Artist Edition Playing Cards is also completely different with split images of each 3D model at different angles. All of the number cards within each suit are also carefully designed to form a mini poster of a 3D king when put together. That means each deck of Chrome Kings Artist Edition Playing Cards comes with 4 bonus mini-posters (one for each suit).

Chrome Kings Artist Edition Playing Cards are manufactured on air-cushioned stock by the USPCC and come tucked into a gorgeous foiled tuck box that can look either silver or red depending on the angle its viewed from. Each deck includes a special ad card, a red/silver double-backer and two special gaffed jokers designed to perform an exclusive color-changing deck magic trick.

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