Crystalus Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Crystalus Playing Cards

16.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Designed by: Thantawan Gibson
Limited to: 1000
Card stock: Crushed
Card finish: Air Cushioned
Printed by: USPCC
Box seal: Yes
Custom faces: Yes

Printed by USPCC
Printed by
Card finish
Air Cushioned
Card stock
card stock
Custom faces

Crystalus Playing Cards

16.00 usd

Deck of cards (16.00)

Possibly discontinued.
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Funded through a successful Kickstarter campaign, these decks exude the cool calm of ice but the complexity of crystal. Welcome to Crystalus Playing Cards by Mystique Cards. 

Printed by the USPCC on crushed stock for superior handling, these cards feature custom artwork on the court cards, Aces, number cards and Jokers. The backs are custom designed as well, evoking the pattern of crystal-diffracted light. The deck is housed in a tuck case with wrap-around artwork so that three decks arranged front, side and back let you experience the entire tableau.

Truly a beautiful deck to hold and behold. Order your decks today!

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