Dom Playing Cards - Daniele Taraborrelli - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Dom Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Daniele Taraborrelli
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Dom Playing Cards

12.00 usd

Deck of cards by Daniele Taraborrelli (12.00)

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The "Dom Deck" was inspired by the city of Milan: on the back of each card you can see Milan's Cathedral, the biggest one in Italy and one of the most beautiful in Europe. Its construction, which took nearly six centuries, began in 1386 thanks to Gian Galeazzo Visconti—who belonged to one of the most important families of Milan.

The colors of the Visconti family, white and red, are still found in the modern emblem of the city, which is represented on the Ace of Spades. The Jokers represent Meneghino, one of Milan's symbols. He is a popular theater character, who is usually portrayed as honest and just.

"Dom Playing Cards" features:

  • Printed by the US Playing Card Company
  • Premium stock
  • Air cushion finish
  • Double backer (red/black)

Only 1,000 decks ever made!

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