DTMC Playing Cards - Secret Factory - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

DTMC Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Secret Factory
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DTMC Playing Cards

12.00 usd

Deck of cards by Secret Factory (12.00)

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Magicians have many pet peeves. But, it’s safe to say that spectators grabbing their deck of cards without permission is one that’s shared by a majority of conjurors. Whether you’ve just completed a magic trick that left you “dirty” at the end or aren’t too thrilled about seeing another poorly-performed version of the 21 Card Trick, it takes a lot of strength in these moments to not yell out—”Don’t touch my cards!”

This feeling, which has undoubtedly been experienced by nearly every magician, was the key inspiration behind “Don’t Touch My Cards” (DMTC) Playing Cards. You’ll quickly notice after taking these cards out of their stunning minimalist tuck case that there is a bold “X” embellishing the back of every card. Beyond signifying to spectators that they should not touch the deck, this back design also holds an extremely deceptive marking system. Try to find it yourself before reading the instructions! You’ll be amazed by how creative it is.

Both a Red version and a Black version are available. Each one is printed on quality stock and limited to just 500 decks each.

These wonderfully elegant DTMC Playing Cards are perfect for any flourish or magic trick, especially when you implement the extra Jokers, reversed 7 of Hearts (red deck only) or blank-faced cards (black deck only).

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  • John asks: Which is easier to read, the red I would guess? Also, how easy to read without glasses?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If your main quest is easy to read, I might recommend the DMC Elites https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/playing-cards/dmc-elites-marked-deck/
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