Eleusis Marked Deck - Fraser Parker - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Eleusis Marked Deck

Deck of cards by Fraser Parker
17.95 In stock.
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Eleusis Marked Deck

17.95 usd

Deck of cards by Fraser Parker (17.95)

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The Eleusis Marked Deck is the ultimate marked deck that can be read just as effortlessly from a distance, as it can up close.

These cards will be printed on the finest card stock utilizing Cartamundi's 'True Linen B9 finish'

They are a Poker size deck with a beautiful back design that appears completely normal to the uninitiated, yet hidden in plain sight is a simple to learn marking system that will allow you to create miracles.

Thanks to the intuitive way of coding numbers built into the symmetrical marking system, each card becomes effortless to read after a little practice. You will be able to glance at the back of a card for a second and instantly know its identity, even if the back of the card is partially obscured from view by your spectator and even if the card is viewed from across a room.

It will become second nature for you to read the cards, once you have spent only a small amount of time learning to recognize the various patterns that are inherent in the marking system. There is no real mental effort on your part in performance but if necessary, you will still be able to mentally construct the identity of each of the cards by following the simple rules of the marking system. As soon as you have become familiar with the deck, you will be able to get a full read of each card in less than a second.

The marking system utilizes the negative white space inherent in the back design to create each of the markings, which means they will stay completely hidden from view from those who you perform for, via perception.

The deck will come with a full fifty two cards plus two bespoke matching Jokers and two additional gimmicked cards (for specific effects taught in the 'add on' video download). Each of the cards will also be subtly marked 'one way' on their faces with one of the corner values being made slightly bolder than the other, which will allow you to perform various effects effortlessly

About Me - Fraser Parker

I am a creator of highly acclaimed products for Mentalists and Magicians and have worked alongside some of the largest magic companies to provide the secrets relied upon by Professionals and Amateurs around the world. I've also released many high end books on Mentalism featuring methods and principles I have created within the prop-less genre that have helped to push the Art form of Mentalism forwards and provide groundbreaking alternate principles and solutions for creating the illusion of reading Minds.

Where did this project come from?

The reason for kick starting this project is to fulfil a dream of mine that is over eight years in the making, to create the ultimate marked deck that can be read just as easily at a distance as it can close up.

It all started with a simple idea. I wondered if it was possible to create a marked deck of cards that would be easy to read from a distance. The cards would need to look regular in terms of their back design, yet would be effortless to read both close up and far away. In fact, they would be just as easy to read from across the room up to over twenty feet away, as they would be to read up close, in a normal performing environment.

I tried many different approaches and iterations on the basic concept over the years, each time solving different problems that arose along the way, refining and developing the idea, until I finally hit on the ultimate solution.

This is what I am now offering to you.


The first design I created was bought by Murphy's Magic Supplies Inc.

My solution utilized a "zig zag" back design pattern that appeared random and was different on each card. This created an optical illusion which would create shading via perception when viewed at a distance which would in turn, make up a distinct number and letter combination. It meant that the the cards could be read as effortlessly as if their identities were written in giant letters, across the back of the card.

The problem with this design was that the back design didn't appear standard and would appear to change throughout each card of the deck. I used this deck in performances of Mentalism without any problem but continued to search for a better solution.

This lead to a change of design where a more standard pattern was used which would appear to stay uniform throughout the entire deck. I utilized line weight to create the same shading effect which would cause large numbers and letters to become visible at a distance. One of the problems I found with this solution was that the secret markings would sometimes become obvious to onlookers, especially if they needed corrective spectacles but happened to not be wearing them.

I decided to use a code instead of the more literal number and letters 'speed reader' markings. This combined with an idea from one of my friends offered the perfect synthesis between all of the different approaches and The Eleusis Marked Deck was born


I have dreamt for so long of one day having my own signature deck that unlocks the functionality I have already discussed and am pleased to say that this is now a possibility.

I've worked meticulously on the design ensuring that not only is it a practical solution for what I want to achieve from a methodological point of view but that it is also something aesthetically pleasing in its own right.

My passion for this project is born out of my desire to create the ultimate tool for marked deck work which opens up other possibilities and expands on what was previously possible within performances of Mentalism and Magic. Namely, the ability to get a read effortlessly from up close as well as from a distance and even from across the room.

I'm pleased to be able to finally share this with the community and get this out of the prototype stage. In short, this is the deck I have wanted to own myself for many years and after playing with the prototype I am excited to finally be able to make this a reality for everyone else by sharing this with the larger magic community.

These decks are intended for entertainment purposes only.

Credits: The back design for the Eleusis Marked Deck is built from the 'Elegant pattern vector' by Visnezh and is used under the 'Free License' agreement.

Eleusis Marked Deck

Easy to read up close and at a distance.

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Customer reviews for Eleusis Marked Deck



As someone who has just started wearing reading glasses this deck is a life saver. I struggle to read markings on a deck in my hand but I can read the Eleusis deck markings from 4 or 5 metres away . That's magic in itself!

The marking system is very clever and unlike some marked decks it does not have any numbers or suit symbols printed on the backs. In saying that, while the backs will easily withstand any cursory glance, I would not perform a routine where a number of card backs are in view together for a long time.

Highly recommend.



Awesome deck. I have complete confidence giving the spectator a card for examination, cause the system is cleverly hidden in plain sight. In my hands this deck also feels slightly thinner and smoother than a bicycle card. Love it!



All round a good deck, theres No adds on the Tuc Case, Hoora, The design on the tuc case and on the deck is good, great design Jokers, comes with a Gaff card and a Double backer which is great,
Once you no were to look it is very easy to read the Marking system, good quality stock too.


David Lee

This is an impressive deck of cards. I tried to solve it without looking at the instructions and after a while and it was too difficult. With that said, I wouldn't let anyone examine it for very long periods of times. It is possible for someone to figure it out in about 30 minutes. That's how It took for several lay people to figure things out. Obviously they didn't figure everything out but they got the general idea.

The quality of the cards are very nice. It does not come with any routine so you need to figure out what you want to do with it. The cards slide very smoothly. It does come with a gimmick card but also no instructions on what you can do with it.

The instructions are a PDF download. There are no videos. I hope that is helpful to you. I am happy with this purchase. I can appreciate how much effort went into designing this deck.

The instructions are not in the deck of cards. But rather it is on a sticker on the outside of the packaging of the deck of cards. So make sure you don't throw away that packaging because otherwise it would be very difficult for you too figure out this deck of cards. It's got a wonderful, beautiful design. That's for sure.



I LOVE this deck. The markings are invisible to anyone who aren't aware of the system, but once you have learned it, it's so easy to read (it might take 30 minutes to get used to it). The back design is brilliant as well. My only complain is that the ace of spades isn't custom, it just looks like a regular pip but that's nothing considering how good this deck is.



The marking system is “clever,” however there are several disadvantages. You need to see the entire back of the card in order to know what it is. You also need to stare at the back for a bit to make sure you read it correctly, and given that the marking method is “clever” there is room for error. Other reviews have said these cards can be read from across a room. Obviously everyone’s eyesight is different but I was not able to discern the markings past a few feet. If you’re standing at a table in a restaurant and a card is placed on the table you can read it but like I said earlier you need to look carefully otherwise you might think the card is the five of clubs but it’s actually a different card. Finally, there’s a system which you have to learn, so you’ll need to practice. It’s not difficult but if you haven’t used the deck in a while you’ll have to spend some time to relearn it. With other marked decks you don’t need to learn a system.
The card stock is nice. Assuming you take care of the deck it should last a while.


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  • George asks: Is this a "1-way" deck?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There is a one way face marking
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