Elysian Duets Marked Deck

Deck of cards by Phill Smith
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Elysian Duets Marked Deck

19.95 usd

Deck of cards by Phill Smith (19.95)

In stock.

"Elysian Duets Playing Cards" are the debut release in the incredible Elysian range from the Phill Smith Creative.

This special deck of marked cards features the latest updates in the powerful Optical Marking System. Practical four-corner markings paired with a luxurious design make "Elysian Duets" the ultimate playing cards for any magician looking to create engaging and magical experiences.

Comes with detailed instructions, including the best card magic tricks that take advantage of "Elysian Duets Playing Cards".

"Elysian Duets Marked Deck" Features

  • Proprietary Optical Marking System
  • Four corner marking
  • Elegant, luxurious aesthetic
  • One way backs and faces
  • Marked with stack position for the Mnemonica stack
  • Marked with cards above and below in Mnemonica stack
  • Gaff cards included (Joker reveal and Double Backer)
  • Detailed instruction card + link to full online instructions with tricks

Customer reviews for Elysian Duets Marked Deck



A Great deck I got a blue and a red deck, exactly as the add description, it doesn't take long to understand the stack system, personally this is great for me as I dable in and out of this stack so this is a great deck to use, for me to use a reference, or for any beginners who are interested in learning the Mnemonica stack this is a great deck to start with, as the system is well hidden, But once you no were to look the marks just pop out at you there large too, and it's not over complicated, but it still has every thing you need to make this deck work, as it shows the actual card Plus the card above and the card below, Plus you get an instruction crib for the marking system, and a QR code wich includes loads of various instructions from the marking system, too using the Mnemonica stack plus so much more, also these decks should last a lot longer than regular decks due to the stock that these are printed on, it's got me excited to get back into the Mnemonica routines. You can use these decks as a regular marked deck, but then it won't be in Mnemonica stack. This is now my go to Mnemonica stack deck as it's so Awesome.


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