Karnival Death Heads Deck - Big Blind Media - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Karnival Death Heads Deck

Deck of cards by Big Blind Media
8.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Karnival Death Heads Deck

8.00 usd

Deck of cards by Big Blind Media (8.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

In 2011 the Karnival Death Head deck was released. It was a super tough, 100% plastic behemoth, manufactured by the world famous Fournier company. Proving incredibly popular with gamblers, magic practioners and card collectors alike it quickly became a Karnival best seller.

However we at BBM were constantly asked the same question - can we have this deck on BICYCLE stock? And now the answer is - YES!!!

The Karnival Death Head Carnage Edition features the same eye popping 'skull and crossbone' design from the original deck, but is printed on BICYCLE's unparalleled stock. So you get the world famous USPCC Air Flow Finish (for superb handling and unparalleled durability), and a design that all but reaches off the deck and socks people on the jaw.

All Karnival Decks are manufactured exclusively on Bicycle's sheet fed press for a higher quality product, so you know you are getting a kick-ass deck when you grab some Karnival Carnage.

The deck was designed by Dose Production's Sam Hayles and is a Bigblindmedia exclusive.

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