Marvel Doctor Strange Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Marvel Doctor Strange Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Fantasma Toys
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Marvel Doctor Strange Playing Cards

19.95 usd

Deck of cards by Fantasma Toys (19.95)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.

DOCTOR STRANGE MAGIC DECK: Fantasma's MARVEL Doctor Strange playing cards feature a secretive "Tapered Deck" construction that gives you the ability to make any card selected appear as well as other cool magic tricks. Your collectible tapered set is protected by a special metal card guard clip that also has a secret magic feature. Imagine the card your friend selected has its image appear on your fingertips! The illustrated Book of Secrets makes learning magic fun.

Learn to perform over perform over 25+ magic tricks.

Fantasma's MARVEL playing cards with the metal card guards are endorsed by The International Brotherhood of Magicians, the world's largest magical organization.

This is a non-paid endorsement.

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  • Miguel asks: Wich company manufacture this cards? Are they USPCC made?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: These are an off-brand. Unsure the actual manufacture of the cards themselves.
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