Master Deck West Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Master Deck West Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Douglas Koozer and Jason Kreiger
16.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Card stock: Regular
Card finish: Air Cushioned
Printed by: USPCC
Box seal: No
Custom faces: Yes

Printed by USPCC
Printed by
Card finish
Air Cushioned
Card stock
card stock
Custom faces

Master Deck West Playing Cards

16.00 usd

Deck of cards by Douglas Koozer and Jason Kreiger (16.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.
"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever."Jacques Cousteau

Explore the wonder of the high seas with this superlative deck! The East & West Master Decks are profusely illustrated. Court cards depict sailors and scoundrels one might have encounted on the seas, and numbered cards depict ships from days of old, with the East having a red back design and West blue.

Or if you purchase the entire set, styled as if preserved on a sailing vessel of old, these decks depict Pirates, Sea Creatures, and Masters East and West. And when these superlative decks are brought together, they combine to depict an epic scene on the high seas!

Purchase your deck or set today and get ready to ride the high seas!
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