Pina Playing Cards
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Victor Pina is a brilliant Spanish magician and a great friend of Butterfly Magic store. We joined forces to produce a deck of cards he would love and would be proud of using in his shows. The design for this deck was created by the highly talented Paulina Diaz from Chile.
Victor had a clear vision for the back design. He wanted the cards to resemble "the classics" - decks like Arrco Playing Cards and Stud Playing Cards.
Ondrej spiced up the back design with a brand-new marking system. If you're familiar with the markings of Butterfly Playing Cards, you will quickly get used to these.
The Pina deck hides two more magic features. It has a one-way back and face design. We adjusted the classic Arrco faces in the same way as we did in Butterfly Playing Cards.
We printed Pina Playing Cards with the United States Playing Card Company on crushed premium stock with a traditional cut. They feel great straight out of the box and will last you a long time. They faro flawlessly from the faces to the backs.
Inside every Pina deck, you will find two gimmicked cards - a blank face card and a double-backer.
Limited edition of 2500 decks.
Good quality but you should be aware that there are no instructions on the markings. It is binary system on long edge, with suit on the short edge.
Nice deck, great stock good for doing spreads, fans, and cardistry, comes with a blank face, and a double backer which is great, it is a marked deck, not reader back for any that are new to magic, this doesn't come with any instructions on how to read the system.which is disappointing, the Marking systems are on the short edge and on the long edge, they are easy to find or riffle the deck. The short edge is for suits Except Clubs there isn't any on the short edge. The Long Edges are for the value, but these just don't make any sense at all, Uh. Why sell something without instructions on the marking system? When it's some kind of a binary marked deck?.
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