Prometheus Playing Cards Collector's Box Set - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Prometheus Playing Cards Collector's Box Set

Deck of cards by Bacon Magic
68.95 In stock.
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Prometheus Playing Cards Collector's Box Set

68.95 usd

Deck of cards by Bacon Magic (68.95)

In stock.

"Prometheus Playing Card Deluxe Collector Set" now available!

This deck boasts a timeless design, from the exquisite box to the elegant deck itself. The patterns exude a sense of classic charm, perfect for both practice sessions and captivating magic performances. The circular design on the card backs adds an extra touch of allure to your every move.

In addition to the original standard edition (available in red and blue), we proudly present four special editions in black, green, gray, and orange. Each special edition is limited to just 300 decks, and they come with a holographic numbered seal, ensuring their exclusivity.

Within the collector set, the special edition decks all share the same unique number, making them even more extraordinary.

These top-quality playing cards are crafted in China by the prestigious Bacon Playing Card Company (BPCC), ensuring an exceptional standard of craftsmanship.

"Prometheus Playing Cards Collector's" Box Set

  • Each set includes 4 limited edition decks (black, green, gray, orange) and 2 standard decks (red, blue).
  • The limited edition decks come with a unique numbered seal, with only 300 sets available.
  • The 4 limited edition decks within each set share the same unique number.
  • These limited edition decks feature high-quality, glossy paper for the tuck box.
  • Printed by Bacon Playing Card Company(BPCC) in China.
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