TCC Pure Mark (Marked Playing Cards) - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

TCC Pure Mark (Marked Playing Cards)

Deck of cards by TCC Presents
10.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Card stock: Regular
Card finish: Air Cushioned
Printed by: USPCC
Box seal: No
Custom faces: No

Printed by USPCC
Printed by
Card finish
Air Cushioned
Card stock
card stock
Standard faces

TCC Pure Mark (Marked Playing Cards)

10.00 usd

Deck of cards by TCC Presents (10.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

A versatile tool that every card magician needs!

The TCC Pure Mark deck of marked playing cards are a must-have for any card magician looking to take their card magic to the next level.

Don’t be deterred by the inconspicuous, minimalist design. While it is immediately detectable to you, the extremely discreet, original one-way marking system is completely invisible to the untrained eye.

Printed by the United States Playing Card Company on premium Bicycle playing card stock, these cards are affordable enough to insert into your daily practice routine while still providing the functionality and performance desired by the working magician.

Pick up a few decks today and discover a new world of card magic possibilities!


Each TCC Pure Mark deck also comes with two amazing routines exclusively designed to help you unlock the potential of a marked deck of cards.

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  • Jordan asks: Does the deck come with any gaff cards?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No Gaff Cards included
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