Red Fox Enchanted Puzzle Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Red Fox Enchanted Puzzle Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Red Fox Playing Cards
19.95 In stock.
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Red Fox Enchanted Puzzle Playing Cards

19.95 usd

Deck of cards by Red Fox Playing Cards (19.95)

In stock.

"Red Fox Enchanted Puzzle Playing Cards" are a seemingly innocent deck of playing cards. That is until you put on the special decoder glasses and are transported into a whole new world of puzzling fun.

Without the glasses (which are included), you can use these Red Fox Playing cards for any card trick or card game. Once the decoder glasses are on though, the real secrets start to reveal themselves. The symmetric back design transforms into a one-way design and allows you to enjoy solving a series of four puzzles using many cards in the deck that lead to an ultimate crescendo.

This one-time experience will guide you to finding a secret treasure and is designed to last 60-90 minutes. It is uniquely designed be both a puzzle deck and a completely usable unmarked deck. Full of even more secrets than ever before, this deck has features and subtleties that ties it to the Red Fox brand yet is unique in its own ways and brings color and fun to your next card game night, collectors cabinet, and yes, even puzzle night! Have a puzzle night with friends to solve the clues using almost the entire deck and still end up with a fully usable deck of cards.

Hand-drawn from scratch, with new pips, new court cards, and everything in-between, this is a special deck of cards worthy of any collection.

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