Soundboards V4 Green Edition Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Soundboards V4 Green Edition Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Riffle Shuffle
12.50 In stock.
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Soundboards V4 Green Edition Playing Cards

12.50 usd

Deck of cards by Riffle Shuffle (12.50)

In stock.

Soundboard Playing Cards were first produced by Patrick Varnavas in 2014 and then released in 2015. The previous editions were a big hit in the community and we are now introducing the latest edition to the family - The Soundboard V4 Forest Edition.

The Soundboard deck was created to celebrate vintage audio gear like 80s cassette players and gramophones. A forest is a place with calm and peace, sometimes, you just want to put on a set of headphones and immerse yourself in the greens. The back design has been in favor of the modern style with touches from the classics.

The tuck case mimics the functionality of a vintage mixtape. With a Plastic Window to see inside the deck and Silver Foils running through the designs of the Matte Finish Tuck Case. With the newest edition of Soundboard, anyone who loves music will surely resonate with this deck.

The Soundboard Forest Edition will be printed by TWPCC with their Legendary Stock. Limited to 2500 Decks.

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  • Izak asks: Is this deck gilded

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They are not
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