Tales of the Uncursed Kingdom Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Tales of the Uncursed Kingdom Playing Cards

Deck of cards by PLAN52
16.00 In stock.
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Tales of the Uncursed Kingdom Playing Cards

16.00 usd

Deck of cards by PLAN52 (16.00)

In stock.

Plan52 wants to take you to a wonderful mystical fantasy world. Their characters and stories are inspired by legends from the real world, but they still tell their own tale. If you like King Arthur, Robin Hood, or other medieval myths you will love these cards. Everything in this deck is designed with a story in mind.

The story started with the Pixel Kingdom playing cards and now continues its epic tale.

Once upon a time 235 rave knights came together and united a shattered kingdom. Together their leaders formed the Round Tale to rule the kingdom in unity. After restoring the strength of the country, they began the task of lifting its curse. During their adventures, they recovered the missing grails and healed the sacred trees. Thus, the Tales of the Uncursed Kingdom began. Will you be one of its heroes?

  • Fully custom uniquely shaped tuck
  • Beautiful detailed debossing on the tuck
  • Fully custom court cards, number cards, Aces, and Jokers
  • Only 1000 made
  • Printed by EPCC with classic finish
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