Tally-Ho Fan Back Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Tally-Ho Fan Back Playing Cards

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company
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Card stock: Regular
Printed by: USPCC
Box seal: Yes
Custom faces: No
Includes a blank facer: No
Includes a double-backer: No
Includes matching jokers: No
Card finish: Linoid Finish

Printed by USPCC
Printed by
Card finish
Linoid Finish
Card stock
card stock
Standard faces

Tally-Ho Fan Back Playing Cards

6.50 usd

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company (From $5.50 - normally $5.65)

In stock.

Fans of the Tally-Ho Circle Back Playing Cards will love the Tally-Ho Fan Back Playing Cards.

Printed by the USPCC with the same incredible Linoid finish, these remarkable playing cards are an elegant and popular alternative to the original Tally-Ho Circle Back Playing Cards.

Tally-Ho Fan Back Playing Cards are available in either blue or red.

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Customer reviews for Tally-Ho Fan Back Playing Cards



I like the geometric back design on the back of the cards and box.
The cards are more flexible than Rider back as they are thinner, and the finish Linoid is less slippy out of the box too.
They are like Rider backs after you have used them a few times.
The faces of the suits and court cards are all standard, except the Ace of Spades.
In the pack are 52 cards, plus 2 joker cards (one coloured and 1 black and white), plus a poker guide card, plus the Bicycle advert card.



Tally-Ho Fan Backs are my favorite back design, particularly in blue. The box artwork is also cool, as is the Ace of Spades design. I have several Tally-Ho's kicking around and the most recent packs I've purchased seem to be smoother on the edges than older packs I have. I'm not sure if any changes have been made in recent years but they now feel as good as they look.

My only complaint is that they only come with one single Joker and a Guarantee Card. I know this is how it has always been but I'd like to see them come with two identical Jokers in color and perhaps a Double Backer. I imagine more people are using these for magic and cardistry than for Poker Night.


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