Maya Playing Cards Collector's Set
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In China, Maya mythology encompasses all the Maya tales in which deities, personified forces of nature, and the heroes interacting with them play major roles. The Mayans believed that the origins of most natural and cultural phenomena were set out, often with the moral aim of defining the ritual relationship between humankind and its environment.
Scholars have pointed out that in Maya mythology, the gods and goddesses had different names and manifestations; stories occurred in assorted forms; scenes and figures shifted with confusing suddenness. However, beneath these seeming inconsistencies lay the shared belief that the universe was an orderly place and that proper behaviors toward the gods were crucial to maintaining its balance and harmony.
Inspired by Maya mythology, the deck comes in two variations differentiated by color scheme, named "The Sun Deck" and "The Moon Deck".
The Mayans were ardent astronomers. They believed that celestial bodies were gods and interpreted their movements as gods traveling among Edarth, the underworld, and other celestial destinations. Since these gods were greatly involved in human affairs (to the point that many events were planned according to certain celestial moments; dynasties often claimed to have descended from the sun or the moon), the Mayans heavily studied every aspect of the sky, especially the sun and the moon.
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