Thread Cardistry Playing Cards
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Card stock: RegularCard finish: Air CushionedPrinted by: USPCCBox seal: NoCustom faces: YesIncludes matching jokers: No
The battle between our rational and emotional selves is brought to life with the 100% custom Thread Cardistry Playing Cards. This mesmerizing deck of cards is unlike any of the other works by Designer Xu Yu Juan.
A stunning color pattern on the back design comes together like a kaleidoscope or brain waves, enabling you to create different visuals based on how the cards are fanned.
Completely reimagined faces help create a cohesive theme. The warm tones of the Hearts and Diamonds beautifully represent our emotional side, while the cool tones of the Spades and Clubs embody our rational side. Combined with a unique Ace of Spades and Court Cards, this deck of cards is perfect for any playing card collection.
Thread Cardistry Playing Cards are also great for magicians and cardists thanks to printing by the USPCC on regular stock with an air-cushion finish.
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