Limited edition, 100% custom-designed deck crafted around legend and capturing ancient tradition.
The 60-card Turning Japanese Playing Cards deck features absolutely breathtaking illustrations built around Japanese culture and lore, and embodying the ideal that anything is possible with perseverance and determination. When fanned from left to right, the masterfully crafted back design also forms a gorgeous Japanese fan from flowers being held inside a dragon’s mouth.
This deck draws its inspiration from renowned illustrator Marine Loupe’s Turning Japanese series, as well as the ancient tale of the koi fish. Legend has it that a group of koi fish was swimming upstream and, against all odds, one single koi persevered to reach the top of a waterfall. The gods rewarded this effort by turning the koi into a golden dragon—an iconic symbol of power and strength.
Turning Japanese Playing Cards Specifics:
-52 Hand-crafted playing cards
-2 Jokers
-1 Double-backer
-4 Signature illustration cards (from world famous artist Marine Loup's Turning Japanese art collection)
-1 “Legend of the Koi” card featuring the complete ancient tale
Each deck is custom numbered as part of a limited print of just 1000 decks, with one random, exclusive deck containing a gold, gilded edge “Legend of the Koi” card with incredible golden highlights.
Printed on premium casino-quality stock with an air pocket design, the Turning Japanese Playing Cards offer premium performance and handling for cardistry, magic or even just elevating your next card game night.