Urashima Tarou Velvet Louver Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Urashima Tarou Velvet Louver Playing Cards

Deck of cards by Room One
19.95 In stock.
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Urashima Tarou Velvet Louver Playing Cards

19.95 usd

Deck of cards by Room One (19.95)

In stock.

Reveal Urashima Tarou's transformation as captured in the Louver Tuck Box - VELVET LOUVER edition. Pull on the shutter mechanism to trigger his transformation and watch as a vibrant young man instantly transform into a frail old man.

Each court card and a select numbered cards (transformation cards) are adorned with a stunning array of multicolor foils. Unlike traditional foils, which are limited to just one color, our multicolor foil technology unlocks a spectrum of possibilities!

Place the deck in sequence and take in the mesmerizing pattern gilded edge of the deck. As the cards are flipped in sequence, the intricate design comes to life, revealing the opening and closing of the tamatebako, the mysterious box that transforms Urashima Tarou.

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