Blank Back Playing Cards (Bicycle)
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52 Blank Back Bicycle Cards (box color varies)
The cards were high quality, just as expected. I'm hoping to use them in a card trick that I just imagined and hope that it all comes together now that I have these blank-backed Bicycle cards in hand. It came with 52 cards, including jokers. My items were delivered in a timely manner.
Great to make a grand finalize on a Card Magic Show!
Ordered Two special Bjcycle Cards. fast service and good price.
Great deck, there is so much you can do with this deck, also I like to use these for making my own gaff cards too.
Excellent quality cards. Really can't go wrong with Bicycle. These are rider backs! (that's a joke!). These can be used to great affect for some really cool card routines. I can highly recommend this product!
I ordered the blank back Bicycle Deck in… red. (Just kidding). It is in immaculate bright white, with the cards’ faces in regular color/shades of the International Card Co. Thus, it fits seamlessly with other cards produced by IPCC. 2 double blank cards accompany the set. Great magicians have already explored the possibilities of such a set. Dennis Behr and Darwin Ortiz have published along those lines. Look’em up.It’s worth exploring.
Really high quality cards that are fun to use for normal deck work as well as colour change/trick deck stuff. These work well in conjunction with double blank cards and can do a lot of nice effects.They handle like a regular deck so any sleights can be easily performed. I'd heartily recommend them to anyone who does card tricks. Affordable and incredibly versatile whilst being well made.
Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.
Ben asks: Just double checking; this deck is full of different face cards and all backs are blank? Thanks.
Winston asks: Is this deck a full deck, or random cards with blank backs? Does it come in new deck order?
WILLIAM asks: The descriptions says 52 cards. So... no jokers?
Luke asks: Hi, does this pack have blank back jokers? That’s all I’m looking for. Thanks
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