Fast 'N' Genious Deck

Trick by So Magic Evenements
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Fast 'N' Genious Deck

20.00 usd

Trick by So Magic Evenements (20.00)

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Fast 'N' Genious Deck - magic
Fast 'N' Genious Deck Fast 'N' Genious Deck Fast 'N' Genious Deck

Each of the 55 cards in this deck has a unique full color illustration. Missing from this deck are numbers and standard pips (Spade, Heart, Diamond and Club), this allows you to perform all the classic card routines for kids. This deck has worldwide appeal since it has no printed words on the cards. The high quality and funny illustrations combined with your imagination will allow you to produce countless stories for your favorite routines.

Featuring traditional Rider backs in red, these decks are made in the USA at The United States Playing Card Company on quality stock with a premium finish.

NOTE: Effects demonstrated in the video require some cards found in the FAKE 'N" GENIOUS deck, which is sold separately.


Customer reviews for Fast 'N' Genious Deck



Although I have a small complaint...I have to admit,this set (2 decks), it 's something I've been looking to find for a long time.It has everything to keep a whole classroom full of kids occupied in laughter for at least an hour!! Grown ups will also be amazed and entertained .
My only question is that there seems to be a few matching cards missing in decks.(Example: The fried egg card is not there.
Why was that I wonder.
Is that the card company forgetting to put in there?'s a great set and I would suggest you get it if you do shows with kids!
Tom Williams



Not impressed we'll use it for kid shows. Tom Williams


Community questions about Fast 'N' Genious Deck

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  • Tom asks: Just got the set of 2 and and DVD and amazed at what you can do....but while looking at the instructions on DVD...noticed there are some cards missing in the cases. Example (the full egg is there..but the one frying in the pan is not there??? Can anyone explain why? There's a few others.Thks Tom Williams

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