Houdini Unmasked - Emery - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Houdini Unmasked

9.99 usd

Magic download (ebook) by Emery (9.99)

Houdini spent years of his life investigating the afterlife. All he found were fraudulent mediums who were taking advantage of vulnerable people in distress. Houdini still kept an open mind and made a promise to his wife that when he died if it was possible he would communicate with her from the other side. To accomplish this, Houdini and wife agreed on a secret word that only the two of them knew which would be used as a code word.

After Houdini’s passing, his wife Bess became lost and she was taken advantage of people like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Arthur Ford who, under the guise of comforting her, knew she could become the perfect advocate for the spiritualist movement. Arthur Ford seduced and coerced Bess, who was mentally unstable at the time, to agree to a hoax which would make it appear that Houdini had returned from the grave to deliver the message. After Bess was used for this purpose she was abandoned ruthlessly by the spiritualists.

Eventually she ended up receiving psychiatric treatment and would later reveal that she was used and deny that Houdini ever delivered the message to her.

This book details and explores two decades of the controversy.


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