Modern Card Manipulation

9.99 usd

Magic download (ebook) by C. Lang Neil (9.99)

The standard on Modern Card Manipulation by C. Lang Neil.

C. Lang Neil wrote what would become a standard in the magic world for card manipulations.

The first section of the book deals with the principal of naturalness in magic, the manners and gestures that are natural to a magician, the clothing of a modern conjurer, his wand, and the table.

After that short introduction Neil dives straight into card sleights teaching the necessary techniques in card conjuring such as the pass, the force, and the palm.

With those techniques explained we move onto simple card tricks which are taught in a visual style where one might catch a chosen card mid-air.

The advanced card tricks follow teaching some of the classics of magic such as the rising card trick and producing and vanishing cards.

Neil goes on to teach many other card tricks with some based on dexterity, some on specially prepared cards, some with special apparatus, with a few requiring all of these.

A great book and a higher education in the art of modern card manipulation.


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