Rare Magic Ebooks - page 2

Original Tricks and Suggested Routines Magic download (ebook)
Original Tricks and Suggested Routines
Magic download (ebook) by Eddie Joseph and Percy Abbott - 2.99

Original Tricks by Eddie Joseph and Suggested Routines by Percy Abbott

Our Magic by Nevil Maskelyne and David Devant Magic download (ebook)
Our Magic by Nevil Maskelyne and David Devant
Magic download (ebook) by Nevil Maskelyne and David Devant - 9.99

One of the first and best books on magic theory! This volume by Nevil Maskelyne and David Devant is a classic. The book features Nevil Maskelyne’s...

Outline of Mystery Magic download (ebook)
Outline of Mystery
Magic download (ebook) by Arthur Leroy - 2.99

A booklet containing magic with cards, thimbles, a wine glass, and razor blades. There are clever card locations, and an interesting item with a...

Outs: Precautions and Challenges for Ambitious Card Workers Magic download (ebook)
Outs: Precautions and Challenges for Ambitious Card Workers
Magic download (ebook) by Charles Hopkins - 9.99

Charles Hopkins was a Philadelphia legendary card man. Everyone serious knows that this book is a true must read. Now you can take your copy along...

Page Wright's Notebook Magic download (ebook)
Page Wright's Notebook
Magic download (ebook) by Page Wright - 4.99

Page Wright was a bright young magician who unfortunately passed away much too early. He was a frequent contributor to The Sphinx and Genii Magazine...

Paper Magic by Will Blyth Magic download (ebook)
Paper Magic by Will Blyth
Magic download (ebook) by Will Blyth - 7.99

Paper Magic: Being a Collection of Entertaining and Amusing Models, Toys, Puzzles, Conjuring Tricks, etc., in Which Paper is the Only or Principle...

Patter Chatter Volume 1 Magic download (ebook)
Patter Chatter Volume 1
Magic download (ebook) by B. L. Gilbert - 2.99

This is a booklet containing complete patter for the Misers Dream, dove pan, egg bag, color changing handkerchiefs, the cups and balls, and more....

Pencil, Lip, Sound, Touch and Muscle Reading Magic download (ebook)
Pencil, Lip, Sound, Touch and Muscle Reading
Magic download (ebook) by Corinda - 4.99

These are extremely subtle methods of obtaining information that really work. Corinda was a master at all five of these, and teaches them with the...

Plays for Marionettes Magic download (ebook)
Plays for Marionettes
Magic download (ebook) by Maurice Sand - 3.99

The translation into English and the publication of Maurice Sand’s Plays for Marionettes is a a real service to the play-reading public and to...

Plays for Merry Andrews Magic download (ebook)
Plays for Merry Andrews
Magic download (ebook) by Merry Andrews - 3.99

Vote the New Moon – A Toy Play At the Sign of the the Thumb and Nose – An Unmorality Play Uneasy Street – A Folk Play The Silent Waiter – A...

Principles and Deceptions by Arthur Buckley Magic download (ebook)
Principles and Deceptions by Arthur Buckley
Magic download (ebook) by Arthur Buckley - 9.99

A truly great book by a master magician. Advanced sleight of hand with cards, coins, and billiard balls. Dozens of photographs show the various...

Professional Tricks for Amateur Magicians Magic download (ebook)
Professional Tricks for Amateur Magicians
Magic download (ebook) by Amateur Magicians - 2.99

Here are forty-two effects that can be performed by anyone with just a little practice. You will find tricks with coins, dice, crayons, glasses,...

Paul Rosini's Magical Gems Magic download (ebook)
Paul Rosini's Magical Gems
Magic download (ebook) by William Francis (Rufus) Steele - 9.99

William Francis (Rufus) Steele presents Paul Rosini’s Magical Gems! This is a fantastic collection of great card effects. Paul Rosini was, by all...

Question and Answer (Readings) Magic download (ebook)
Question and Answer (Readings)
Magic download (ebook) by Corinda - 4.99

This book is step 11 of Corinda’s classic text, Thirteen Steps To Mentalism, and deals with readings, of which Corinda was a master. He covers a huge...

Reading is Believing Magic download (ebook)
Reading is Believing
Magic download (ebook) by Trevor Hall - 4.99

Trevor Hall became very well known in the magic world when he first published his magic which led to many appearances at various magical society...

Reelistic Magic Magic download (ebook)
Reelistic Magic
Magic download (ebook) by Chavel - 4.99

Magic with reels, including a rising ring on pencil, self tying and untying knots in handkerchiefs, thimble magic, and a complete description on the...

Reel Magic by Albenice Magic download (ebook)
Reel Magic by Albenice
Magic download (ebook) by Albenice - 4.99

The definitive book on reels, and what can be done with them. Knot effects, penetrations, color changes, card effects, wands, buttons, bills, cigars,...

Rope Hectic! Magic download (ebook)
Rope Hectic!
Magic download (ebook) by Martineau - 3.99

Martineau reveals the Zenith Rope Device and the magic it can make possible. You will learn how to make the device and operate it. Also included are...

Routined Magic by Senor Mardo Magic download (ebook)
Routined Magic by Senor Mardo
Magic download (ebook) by Senor Mardo - 2.99

This is a pamphlet with descriptions of some of Senor Mardo’s favorite effects, including his Egg Bag routine, some thimble moves, a handling for the...

The Royal Road to Card Magic Magic download (ebook)
The Royal Road to Card Magic
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard and Frederick Braue - 9.99

The Royal Road to Card Magic by Jean Hugard and Frederick Braue is probably the single most often recommended book on card magic for beginners. It is...

Rupert Howard Course in Magic Magic download (ebook)
Rupert Howard Course in Magic
Magic download (ebook) by Rupert Howard - 24.99

This is a great classic course in magic from the UK. Not nearly as considerable or serious as Tarbell, which is certainly the reference standard in...

Secrets of Conjuring and Magic Magic download (ebook)
Secrets of Conjuring and Magic
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin - 9.99

Updated to a brand new and very beautiful Text over image PDF with bookmarks on 9-08-13! The Secrets of Conjuring and Magic is one of the classic...

Silks Supreme! Magic download (ebook)
Silks Supreme!
Magic download (ebook) by Keith Clark - 1.99

Here is a complete act with silk handkerchiefs that can be performed anywhere, while surrounded. Handkerchiefs appear, multiply, become knotted, and...

Sleights by Burling Hull Magic download (ebook)
Sleights by Burling Hull
Magic download (ebook) by Burling Hull - 2.99

Sleights: Being a Number of Incidental Effects, Tricks, Sleights, Moves and Passes for Purposes Ranging from Impromptu to Platform Performances. The...

Filter Rare Magic Ebooks

Rare Magic eBooks

Keith Clark’s Rope Royale
A practical and magical cut and restored rope routine. A...
Modern Magic by Hoffmann
Modern Magic by Professor Hoffmann is the seminal book in...
Contact Mind Reading
This is a book about real mind reading sometimes called...
Thayer’s Magical Bulletin
A complete file of Thayer’s Magical Bulletin. Thayer’s...
A Magician in Many Lands
Charles Bertram was the court conjurer to King Edward...
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