Simon Aronson Week: our specials and deals!

FREE ebook by Eric Richardson with every Simon Aronson order!
Purchase absolutely any Simon Aronson product this week and we'll give you our latest ebook (110 pages), It All Depends absolutely FREE.

Deal One: 10% OFF when you buy more than one Simon Aronson product!

We're really, really excited about Simon Aronson's magic, and we feel that his material is worthy of your careful study. So we want you to have it.

We'll offer you 10% his items if you buy more than one Simon Aronson product in any one order. Combine DVDs, books, and tricks. Just buy more than one Simon Aronson item and we'll take 10% off all of them.

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Deal Two: Memorized Deck Introductory
Package - 20% OFF

Nearly every serious card magician will eventually come to memorized deck magic. It's such a potent, stealth tool and, used sparingly, there's almost nothing stronger. You've already got Memories are Made of This, the free ebook offered here, now we want you to have everything else you need to start.

The book Bound to Please is the most thorough introduction to the Aronson Stack and this should be your starting place. But for the best tricks and personal instruction taught by Simon, you should also have volume 3 of his DVD series, which is a volume dedicated entirely to the memorized deck. It's an entire curriculum, starting with simple principles and going into some of the best routines using his stack. With both of these resources, you'll have not only a great foundation, but an entire course in memorized deck magic.

What's included?
Bound to Please (normally $35) and Sessions with Simon Volume 3 (normally $35), both for $56 - SAVE 20%!

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Deal Three: All Simon Aronson books for 20% OFF!

This is the best deal offered. I remember buying all the Aronson books at once: it was a bit overwhelming, but it was SO helpful to have all of them at my fingertips, so I could cross-reference. We’re discounting these books greatly, and taken together it's an enormous saving. More importantly, it’s a complete step forward, into a new realm of card magic. Aronson's fans are die-hards because of these books. And when you start reading, you'll immediately understand why.

What's included?
The Aronson Approach (normally $30), Bound to Please (normally $35), Simply Simon (normally $35) and Try The Impossible (normally $40), all for $116 - SAVE 20%!

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Deal Four: 20% off Sessions with Simon 3-DVD set!

So you’re not a book person, or you prefer personal instruction? This is it. You get a great overview of Simon’s complete creative output. This includes two volumes of ingenious card effects (plus two surprising non-card items), and a third volume that details all the basics (and some advanced principles) on the memorized deck.

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