Foam Cookie - Albert Goshman - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Foam Cookie

Trick by Albert Goshman
6.50 In stock - very few available.
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Foam Cookie

6.50 usd

Trick by Albert Goshman (6.50)

In stock - very few available.

Imagine the expression on your audience's faces when you make this giant cookie appear! This is the perfect prop to use as a finale with any Oreo cookie routine. Pull it out of your Magic Cookie Box. Combine it with Cookie Bite. Mix it up with Moreo. There are so many possibilities.

This hilarious, giant foam cookie is a perfect crowd pleaser for any close-up or stage act. It's over 4" in diameter and 1" thick. Made by Magic by Gosh, you know it's quality. They know more about foam products than anyone. And because it's make of foam, it can easily be compressed to fit in any load chamber or a small cookie package that would visually be too small to hold such a big cookie. Or, just palm it in your hand!

Put a big finish on your cookie routine with the Foam Cookie!


Customer reviews for Foam Cookie



This is really big and is perfect for a finale in a cookie routine. It's so big that I even use it to conceal another prop for my finale and it makes my routine even easier to achieve. While this is made of sponge, it's quite compact and if you fold it in four it will be quite visible in your hand. It's also a bit big to be tankai-palmed, I recommend to make it appear on an offbeat instead.



So, funny enough, I did not use this for what I bought it for because it is too nice of quality where foam cookies are concerned. I know that Cookie Bite/Cookie Bite Plus + Kung Food + Overstuft is a great routine that doesn't need much extra work, but my intention was to kick that off when doing magic for my kids buy opening a pack of oreos and having a foam cookie crumpled up and palmed, then pull the stupid thing out of the pack as a joke. But, since the stock photo of this product isn't high-resolution, I assumed I was buying a single foam piece that had two sides died brown. It is actually 3 pieces glued/fused together, and the “cookie” sides are a lot higher quality than expected so I can barely fold the cookie into quarters, let alone scrunch it up in my hand.

And though I am sure most pros already think this way - I wouldn’t really recommend adding this sort of gimmick to a routine including Cookie Bite/Cookie Bite Plus, Kung Food, and/or Overstuft anyway. The aforementioned trio of gimmicks rely on the audience thinking you are using an actual cookie to perform these tricks, and when you introduce a gag/prop into a routine it really pulls people out of the magic.

All-in-all, this is a high quality product, too high of quality for my needs, and some day I am sure I will think of something interesting to do with it!


Community questions about Foam Cookie

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  • Andrew asks: Will OREO FOAM COOKIE BY GOSHMAN at $6.50 fit in a Starbucks coffee cup as a final load? Thanks Andrew

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is about 4.3 inches in diameter so compressed, it is possible.
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