The Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks

Book by Stewart James
49.99 Possibly discontinued.
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The Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks

49.99 usd

Book by Stewart James (49.99)

Possibly discontinued.
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An essential title for every magician, The Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks is the only book of its kind.

Magical genius Stewart James, over the course of 40+ years, compiled three volumes of The Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks. Now, for the first time, these classic works have been collected, newly edited, and combined in a single hardbound volume.

Over the course of nearly 450 large-format pages, James describes every nuance of this fascinating branch of conjuring. Hundreds of effects are described. Puzzles share the pages with stage-filling illusions, legendary feats (like the fabled Indian Rope Trick), escapes, spirit effects, cut and restored tricks, penetrations, trick knots, suspensions, and James' famous Sefalaljia, to name but a few.

Rope tricks are the ultimate form of "pack small, play big" magic. And many impromptu feats that can be worked at the drop of a hat - often with borrowed rope - are described in these pages. Mini-miracles for virtually every type of performer are illuminated in these pages. From kid-show worker to close-up magician and parlor prestidigitator, rope tricks to suit nearly every taste, theme, and interest (not to mention skill) level are included.

Many of the greatest magical minds of the last 100 years contributed to the Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks, including Harlan Tarbell, David Devant, Jay Marshall, Martin Gardner, Eddie Joseph, Larry Becker, G.W. Hunter, Sid Lorraine, Bob Hummer, Jean Hugard, Winston Freer, Burling Hull, T. Page Wright, U.F. Grant, William Larsen, Sr., Dunninger, Percy Abbott, P.C. Sorcar, Tenkai Ishida, Will Brema, and many, many more.

The Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks is an invaluable reference work. Hardbound, 7x10". 456 pages, with over 1500 illustrations.

With an introduction by Mac King and new essay on the Indian Rope Trick by Peter Lamont.


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