Approaching Magic - David Regal - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Approaching Magic

Book by David Regal
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Approaching Magic

75.00 usd

Book by David Regal (75.00)

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David Regal has created more great close-up magic in the past decade than anyone else I can think of. His previous books, Star Quality, Close-Up & Personal and Constant Fooling (volumes 1 and 2) contain enough material to keep a magician practicing for a lifetime. But, Approaching Magic is twice the size of his previous efforts and it's just as good.

Regal has a penchant for creating very direct magic, which he intertwines with clever and funny presentations. He seems to effortlessly use his experience as a comedy writer to add dynamism to his script. Most of the effects are very easy to follow, with very direct methods.

The style of magic in Approaching Magic is much the same as that in his previous books. His card magic employs interesting methods to sit alongside fun, direct effects. But, there's less card magic in Approaching Magic than in his earlier works, in place of some larger parlor and stage magic. Some of these items will require a little DIY, but they're some of the best in the book. His effect "In Darkness" reminds me of "Dean's Box" in that it's an incredibly fooling and elegant sequence using a large prop (but, unlike "Dean's Box" is compact and easy-to-carry). It's a penetration of a ring and wand that would have fooled the crap out of me. Similarly, his "The Power of Love" is an hilarious, yet massively fooling stage routine utilizing a borrowed ring.

This is the biggest (506 pages) and most ecliptic David Regal production to date. If you like Regal's work (and I can't think of a single reason why you wouldn't), then you'll want to pick this one up. Just be prepared to put some time in - there's a lot of magic to read here!


Customer reviews for Approaching Magic


Francis P.

I never expected this book to be so massive! A buffet of effects and essays, yet none of them are pipe dreams. All useable and can be performed in front of live audiences. It's pretty obvious that these are all tried and tested. I can see my self saving lots of money from buying new props. And what a great cover as well! I love the front design of the fire thing and The "Approaching Magic" title in the spine alone is a great conversation starter! A great addition to my growing collection of magic books/display pieces. So well worth the money.



To begin with this is a behemoth of a book. It is packed with all types of effects. Using different props. For some of the effects shown you have to do a little arts and crafts. Another highly valued part of this treasure is the essays. David's view and theory on the magic art is prolific. The table of content on itself is a little book if i can say. Definitely there is something for everyone's taste in here.



Just fabulous, fun read, beautiful book, great ideas and inspiration. Great value.



I am so impressed by the quality of the Print and the magic contained within the pages. Not just card magic either. The instruction are super clear and the effects are very magical. At the price of $75 its a real treat and packed with something for everyone. Magical book!



David just doesn’t stop! From cards to mentalism to stand up! So many amazing routines and ideas.



Wow! There's a lifetime's worth of material to study in here. I absolutely love the money effects in the Renumeration section, as well as the trick "Cocoa"--a cups and balls routine using mugs and marshmallows with a kicker ending where a mug fills up with cocoa!

VI Monthly


This is an absolute treasure trove of incredible thinking in magic. Anyone serious in the study of magic really should buy this. An absolute steal for what it's worth. So many different types of magic covered - virtually guaranteed there will be something here (likely many things) you will want to add to your repertoire, but beyond that, it's a fantastic insight into the creativity of one of the best minds in magic.



This book is DENSE. But an incredible, need to have, essential kind of dense that could allow you to perform ONLY things from this book for the rest of your life, and that's just the routines/tricks.

The essays hit on great interpretations of the principles of performing, creating, and being a good person (honestly).

I would consider David Regal to be essential to anyone's magic library. The man is a genius and just all around incredible to learn from on the page and on the screen.


Arthur Alexander

The best magic book I own. There, I said it. David Regal’s thinking is ingenious. Not only are you getting a plethora of tricks but they are secondary to some great insight and theory from one of the best. What are you waiting for, buy this book!



Hi hot and must have book if you to learn more effective ace assembly effects the small sample effects xx top club to read before you get old likea cool çat this crazy book is a joy to sleep with!


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  • Stoyan asks: Hardcover or paperback?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Hardcover
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