Auto Change Mirror Tube - Mr. Magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Auto Change Mirror Tube

Trick by Mr. Magic
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Auto Change Mirror Tube

29.95 usd

Trick by Mr. Magic (29.95)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.

Here's a magical way to change several objects into different objects! Show a beautiful, cylindrical tube to be empty. Place several silk scarves of different colors inside the tube. Close the lid so nothing can get in or out of the tube. BAM! When the lid is opened, the scarves are now tied together! Or, they might form one large streamer instead! Your imagination will figure out many ways to use this great utility device. It's magic!

Silks not included.


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  • Knutty asks: How tall is this tube? Can just 1 18 inch silk be vanished?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The tube is about 8 inches tall.
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