Barnløs - Rune Klan - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


By Rune Klan
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4.7 | 53 reviews

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The greatest magic show you’ve never seen?

Rune Klan is a household name in Denmark, and he created a national sensation in 2018 with his stage show, Barnløs, which means “Childless.” It’s a magic show entirely about Rune’s eight-year journey to become a dad. The show chronicles his efforts to conceive, his discovery of being infertile, his unsuccessful attempts to adopt in Denmark, and then his exploration into the world of adopting a child from Africa. The show is at turns hilarious and touching, and it’s filled with original magic that–dare we say–is unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

What we’re presenting to you is a smooth-as-silk filming of the live production as it toured Denmark’s most prestigious theaters. The show is subtitled so it doesn’t disrupt Rune’s flow in his native Danish. But Rune speaks fluent English, so after the show we recorded a fascinating hour-long interview that ranges from how he develops his material, to how his impressive career has evolved.

Many of you might be asking yourself, “Who is Rune Klan?” For those who don’t know, here’s our case for Rune Klan being among the best magicians alive: Rune is famous in his native Denmark, and every other year he tours with an entirely new two-hour magic show. You read that right: a new full touring magic show every other year. Just completing one show like this in a lifetime is an achievement. When that show is artistically significant, with moments of true originality and feeling, it’s a rare feat. Rune has done this six times in his life.

Barnløs (Childless) is his crowning achievement, and it’s won all sorts of theatrical awards in Denmark. And to us it represents the future of where magic is headed. This is, quite simply, magic as self-expression. You’ll come out of this show with a deep respect for Rune as a magician, but you’ll also feel like you’ve come on a quirky, at times painful, journey with Rune as a human being. This is essential viewing for any magician who enjoys watching the borderlands of our craft being pushed to new places.

Show running time: 1 hour 35 minutes
Interview running time: 1 hour, 5 minutes (no methods are shared during the interview).

PLEASE NOTE: This show contains some adult themes and language. It is not recommended for those under the age of 18.


Customer reviews for Barnløs



You will always learn new stuff whenever u revisit Rune’s material.

Well crafted and thought of. The crafting of his act is worth more than any tricks you learn

VI Monthly


Congratulations for putting this show together. I wasn’t expecting such a beautiful piece of art. Well done !



Amazing show!!



This is definitely worth the watch. It's a masterclass in presentation and character development. It's hilarious on its own quirky way. Love the magic and presentation. The video quality is excellent and it's qa lot of fun to watch. I can recommend this.



Beautiful, hilarious, and impactful.



When I first watched this when it first came out, I wasn't thrilled with it. There's a certain courseness to the presentation within the large amount of dialogue and I didn't connect to him at all. Now that I've seen two more of Rune's shows via his "Masterclass" I've come around - I'm starting to "get" what Rune's all about and how his shows work. I have to say, after rewatching it I loved it. It's not perfect but it's still very great to see the creativity that went into the show and the personal journey the show conveys.

VI Monthly


Barnalos by Rune Klan was an amazing show! Even though it is in Danish with English subtitles, it is still very understandable. He tells a lot about himself and his journey to have a child in the show. You often here that you should tell your audience about yourself. This is a great example of how 1 person does that. The magic is very interesting. Nothing stock. All seem like customized tricks. Very good.



Rune, Congratulations!





I've been a fan of Rune Klan for a long time - from back when he was just a guy with great close-up chops. I don't know what his vision for himself was way back then, but I have to think he is living is wildest dreams right now. Not only is he at the top of show business in his homeland, he has, and continues to create magic and theater that are truly wonderful. This show is a lesson in the courage it takes to face the most difficult times of your life, and to create something meaningful out of them. He does with magic (and comedy) what Mike Birbiglia does with comedy, so extra points for Rune. I love his off-beat sense of humor and presentations for the different pieces in this show. I know a lot of people might be a little bothered by some of his language and ideas but, hey, it's a show about not being able to have a baby with his wife; what do you Think he will be talking about! European magicians seem to be leading the way with full length magic shows that tell a story. I hope this new and wonderful example inspires more magicians, especially those on this side of the pond, to have a vision and work to create it. If you need more tools, they've got them right here at Vanishing Inc. I bet.



This is simply wonderful. A beautiful story told in an engaging way. Rune takes a very serious issue and brings awareness of it to the audience, sharing his own experience of it. I am a teacher and there are definitely parts of the show that could be used to teach some things in a better way than is used in schools! I would recommend that anybody watches this.







Such a unique, touching, personal, zany but inspirational idea for a show. Inspirational in so many different ways. Why don't we do our shows this way? Maybe there are many out there that do, but we can tell our stories in a way deeper way and make a much larger impact beyond entertainment. He's great, what can I say. And congratulations Rune. A must see.





This show totally blew my mind. It’s not really a magic show. I mean, it is in that it has magic in it. Really good magic. It’s Rune Klan. Of course it’s good magic. But it’s not really a magic show because the magic is almost incidental. Each trick is more of an illustration. A metaphor even.

I can’t remember who said that as performers we should write about what we know. But this show would be the perfect example of someone doing just that.

Some of it is emotionally hard going. And some will find the subject matter difficult to deal with. However, I think every performer (magician or otherwise) should see this. It’s genuinely amazing.



WOW. I am weeping with joy for Rune and his dragon. What a wonderful show and a wonderful impact on the world. Thanks for making your passion for magic and your sincere desire to be a father become something so powerful and transformational. You get my vote for making the world a better place.



Rune Klan’s , Barnlos is not your typical magic show. Rather, Rune Klan courageously shares his personal story of the protracted ourney to become a parent through magic, storytelling, and comedy. A great example that a magic show can be about something and have a point of view. While there is not much magic, the effects included in the show are relevant to the story and clever. The video is a great opportunity to experience an amazing, personalized show from a different culture. The interview of Rune Klan conducted by Andi Gladwin is enlightening and enhance an understanding of the show and is a worthwhile addition,

VI Monthly






Really funny and entertaining with a great ending!,,,



One of the most amazing magic shows I've ever seen because it wasn't ABOUT magic; it was about a journey of the human heart... The magic was wonderful, but the journey is what will stay with me (and the rest of the audience too, from their reactions) for a long, LONG time.



Guys, this was amazing!

VI Monthly




I am so glad that Vanishing Inc made this possible. The show together with the very good interview was a real inspiration for me. This is about so much more than magic. It is about storytelling, being vulnerable, making theatre, the difference between personal and private, and so on.
Rune Klan is really a discovery to me and I hope his next shows will be all here.
Thanks Andi and Joshua for your very good taste.





Amazing show, stunningly funny and moving. The interview with Andi is excellent as well.



Beyond belief. Which every magician desperately wants to experience. We know - or we think we know - all the tricks of the trade. But we are wrong, wrong, wrong. When magic so artfully presented can move an audience to cheers and tears, true magic happens and the world is a better place for it.

VI Monthly




This really was excellent. The show might not be your typical magic show, since it wasn't filled with tricks from start to end. But it was a magic show that I love to see, where the magic enhances the storytelling. The same van be said about the comedy.

The interview shines a light on how the show came together and has some fun anekdotes buy also some great things we as magicians could, or maybe need, to think about.

The only downside is that now I want to see more of Run Klan's shows with English subtitles. From the clips I saw the blue show looks awesome.



What a fantastic show - funny, raw, honest and genuinely moving. The magic is integrated seamlessly and shows how effects can be genuinely meaningful and help us tell stories. The interaction with the audience is also an object-lesson in how to make your audience part of that story. Genuinely inspiring stuff - thoroughly recommended!



VI Monthly


I am happy that Josh and Andi made me aware of Rune Klan. He is a true inspiration for me. I really liked the interview he gave on the Vanishing Inc. Podcast and I loved this one. Now I should really work on my Danish to go up and see one of his show live.





Rune manages to strike a perfect balance of comedy, magic and a very personal story without pretentiousness. The show is fantastic, hilarious, great.

Some reviews have mentioned the vulgarity of some of the jokes, a little unfairly in my opinion; the jokes take the edge off topics that might otherwise be uncomfortable. I hope those reviewers give it another go some time. That said, if you're considering buying a comedy show about fertility and do not like jokes about sex, then I guess this is not the show for you(?!).

The interview is a must-watch, don't think it's just bonus material. Rune talks openly about magic, comedy and art in a way I don't think we've really seen him do before. If you bought the show but didn't watch the interview, you're missing out!



More than a magic show

This is the most honest and personal magic show I have ever seen. It is much more than a magic show. The danish magician Rune takes you on a journey and shows you his deepest fears, wishes and hopes. He does this in an amzingly funny and heartwarming way. Some might find his jokes offensive and vulgar but I loved every minute of it.

The magic tricks in the show are all part of the story and have a purpase. They help the story. Normaly the story helps the magic trick - here it is the other way around & I think this makes the magic a little better, because the magic has a meaning.

I will watch this show again and again.



One of the things that kills many magic shows is that they are “about nothing.” We know little more about the performer, his or her worldview, desires, dreams, or even hopes. This show is different. It is about one of the most important things that any married couple goes through: having a child. The show is fooling, funny, heartbreaking, and wonderful all at the same time.

Rune is just fun to watch. From the first time I saw him produce a pool que from a sock, I knew that this guy was different. He thinks differently yet has incredible chops. He is very funny yet also incredibly skilled (witness the ring spinning routine for example).

Everyone who has ideas about a one-person show should watch this many times. Watch the audience involvement and the breaking down of the fourth wall. Watch how Rune walks the edge of “inappropriate” but never crosses it (at least in my opinion). This is a great example of what such a show should be. Not just a collection of jokes or a litany of tricks, but a story with a through-line and a pay-off. The translation is incredible. Many translations are filled with grammatical errors or miss the joke because of a bad translation. This is very, very good. That is the difference that Vanishing Inc makes. They view this product as a labor of love and give it what it needs.

If you are buying this to get some new lines or new tricks, you may be successful, but I think that you have missed the point. I believe that the point is to look at the finished product and think about the fact that Rune puts one of these out, brand new, every year. It’s original, heartfelt, and inspiring. I highly recommend it. You could fly to Denmark, but this is much less expensive.

Highly Recommended
Samuel Lamerson



If the poet stands naked, wow, just wow, Rune lived/lives his truth on the stage. All the best to him and his family \.







VI Monthly


VI Monthly


Just as Hannah Gadsby's "Douglas" was so much more than a stand-up comedy performance, Barnløs is much more than a magic show. Yes, there is good magic in it, but the magic is somewhat peripheral to the story. Come for the magic, stay for the deeply personal, deeply human story told with expert comedy timing.



Rune Klan is one of the most interesting creators in magic alive right now. I mean, one of the top of the top creators. He explores the bounderies and limits of putting the pieces for a good dramaturgy, a solid narration, a great presentation and stage work and innovative, personal magic together. He is creative, he is honest, he is risky, he has a vision and the generosity and bravery to share and communicate. There are people around saying that magic is and art form, and there is Rune, making magic an art form. We are very lucky to watch this. He is a true inspiration.



One of the most unique magic shows I've ever seen, probably the only show with a full narrative arc. Absolutely watch this show, it was a gift to see



Hard to watch and read subtitles





I’ll keep this simple - it’s more of a comedy show than a magic show. He spends most of his time telling stories and not much time on magic. He’s very entertaining and quite funny, but that’s not why I purchased this show.

Keep that in mine before you jump on it.



If you wanted a funnier, more frenetic version of Derek Delgaudio's In & Of Itself, this would be it. More of a one-man show with magic rather than a magic show, the performance runs on its own comic energy. It's hard to like Rune and root for him. While his raw and honest style might not be for everyone, and there's not a ton of magic here, it's a great show in its own right.


George Younts

Good stuff. To be honest, this is in theatre genre of One Person Show Work. Magic is secondary. It’s the icing on the cake. The accompanying interview is good too, echoes artistic process conversations you might hear w/ Eric Bogosian, John Leguizmo, Mike Birbiglia, Whoopie Goldberg (from her one woman show days) or Anna Deavere Smith. Much to think.....basically meaning- what do you want to say about Life through your conjuring? Thanks for making this available.

VI Monthly


The show was good, but factoring in the price and that it is sold on a magic site cost a star. Much of the time half of the captions are white in a light background and difficult to read and since the show is mostly a verbal monologue and, not magic, the captions are important. There is not a lot of magic in the show but what magic it does have is done with purpose and meaning and is done with unique presentation. It is a good and entertaining show but for the price I expected something I would be excited to have family members come over and watch and in fairness, if we spoke the language the show was in or the subtitles were easier to read then I probably would watch it with others.



My take is that the presentation was too segmented, delayed, and vulgar. Sorry I could say more but when the penis pointer came out I had, had enough. Would not recommend this as a magic performanance, perhaps a below grade comedy sketch with a few tricks sprinkled in to prop up a lack of true humor.



At the very core, the one-person play is heartbreaking due to a very sensitive subject of infertility. Rune Klan's energetic performance aims to find a balance between tears and laughter, while walking on a tight rope between magic and devastation. Unfortunately, the play did not connect with me. I found the jokes to be too vulgar, the magic - too mediocre and the personal story...well maybe certain things should be kept private (and not turned into a circus with fake dildos and pictures of testicles). The humor was Lost in Translation and the hour cannot be recovered. I love theater and magic, but this was not my cup of tea.


Community questions about Barnløs

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Michael asks: Is this a different show and interview from the show and interview that is seen in Rune's World?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes, the show is entirely new!
  • Nick asks: Why is the full package more expensive than the download only option? Is this a mistake?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: With the full package, you'll receive a special deck of cards along with the download code.
  • Arie asks: And why is a download without cards a higher price?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We have to charge VAT on downloads in Europe due to EU law. However, VAT is not always applicable on physical products to Europe and so the prices are shown excluding VAT for physical products (but if VAT is payable, you'll see it on the checkout.)
  • Thibault asks: Hi, Are the subtitles only available in english ?

    • 1. Thibault answers: After viewing the trailer, I think I can answer myself!
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  • Mike asks: Is this just a show to watch or is it a teaching video. Tricks explained with the hows ,do and why of each trick and overview of the show?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's a show. But not "just" a show. We believe it is the finest theatrical magic show ever created. In addition, you'll receive an exclusive deck of cards in a presentation case plus an extra hour long interview with Rune and Andi.
  • Gareth asks: Rune manages to strike a perfect balance of comedy, magic and a very personal story without pretentiousness. The show is fantastic, hilarious, great. Some reviews have mentioned the vulgarity of some of the jokes, a little unfairly in my opinion; the jokes take the edge off topics that might otherwise be uncomfortable. I hope those reviewers give it another go some time. That said, if you're considering buying a comedy show about fertility and do not like jokes about sex, then I guess this is not the show for you(?!). The interview is a must-watch, don't think it's just bonus material. Rune talks openly about magic, comedy and art in a way I don't think we've really seen him do before. If you bought the show but didn't watch the interview, you're missing out!

    • 1. Gareth answers: Clearly meant to be a review... sorry, please remove :)
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