Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available)

Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available)

Trick by Murphy's Magic Productions
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Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available)

9.95 usd

Trick by Murphy's Magic Productions (9.95)

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Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available) - magic
Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available) Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available) Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available) Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available) Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available) Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available)

Fun lighthearted magic that will have your audience convinced you can control the laws of physics.

"Bounce No Bounce" is a classic of magic. It's a surefire way to add a touch of fun and laughter to your performance. Use it as a comedy piece or something a little more dramatic.

You're in control of when the ball bounces or doesn't. The presentation you use is only limited by your creativity.

"Bounce No Bounce Balls" are available in multiple colors (black, white, or yellow), and fit right into your pocket so you can present a moment of magic at any moment. It's perfect for any situation from parlor shows to close-up magic or even street magic.

You'll receive 2 special balls and complete online video instructions.

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Customer reviews for Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available)



Does what the advert says. As others have said though, the no-bounce ball is a some-bounce ball. The difference is good enough for the effect though



Bounce...some bounce as another review states. I got yellow for the natural rubber ball look and visibility. The no bounce ball bounces even when dropped dead and not thrown. I tried different surfaces. The original gag made this a easy opener, the bounce is significant enough that it kills the impact. I gave my balck set away prematurely, not happy with these at all. Save your money.



A sad thing to have to type, but these balls do not perform as well as the originals. The whole point of the 'no bounce' is that they stop dead; the ball in the set I have still bounces a couple of inches, even when dropped lightly. When 'bounced', you get a noticeable rebound, which kills the effect somewhat.

As an added bit of fun, the bounce ball in my set is very not round, so there's an element of surprise when it's bounced, as there's no way to know which direction it's going to choose that day.

I ordered a white set for greater visibility on stage; it's unclear whether the poor performance is limited to the white balls, but the video would suggest that it's common across all the colours. I can't see my set being used at all.


Community questions about Bounce No Bounce Balls (Multiple Colors Available)

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  • Sean asks: Not a question, but a comment. I’m very excited to see these available! This was one of the first tricks I saw performed right in front of me at the first magic shop I ever went to. Fooled the daylights out of me!

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Thanks!
  • Jose Andres asks: Could you order in black? not available for a long time.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Black is currently out of stock
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