Bowled Over - Christopher Talbot - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Bowled Over

Trick by Christopher Talbot
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Bowled Over

35.00 usd

Trick by Christopher Talbot (35.00)

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Kids love surprises – and Bowled Over packs a big one – and it’s all packaged neatly into a shopping bag. Imagine this: You carry a shopping bag by the corded handle and set it on the floor where the kids are sitting. You pick it up, turn it upside down and a scarf falls out onto the floor. Then you give the bag a magic shake and out falls a bowling ball – BAM -- onto the floor!

Watch the video. You’ll see creator Christopher Talbot perform this over and over again for a kids audience. The appearance of the object too heavy to have been inside the upside-down bag is really surprising for not only the kids, but the adults in the room, too!

Inspired by Andrew Mayne’s Free Fall, Christopher’s improvement allows you to carry the bag by the handle during the show. This new “portability factor” makes all the difference. AmazeKids’ Danny Orleans suggests using it as a running gag, where you move the bag from place to place in your performing space during the show. Each time you overturn the bag, a different colored scarf falls out. Then finally – BAM the bowling ball appears. What a moment!

This is a great solution that makes the illusion all the more practical for professional magicians.Andrew Mayne


  • Though you can’t perform it in the round, there are no angle problems with audience members to your extreme left or right. If they can see the front of the bag, this’ll fool them.
  • You can put lots of other props – even your whole act into the bag – and make the bowling ball production the big finish.
  • The harness is easily transferable to any shopping bag. Use a bowling ball, a pumpkin, a coconut. There are lots of production possibilities.

Here's a bonus idea by Chris explained to Danny Orleans in a phone conversation -- a great Balloon to Bowling Ball transformation trick: Turn over the bag and have a deflated balloon fall out. Blow it up. Pretend to tie it off. Insert it into the bag and secretly let the air out as the kids say the magic word a couple of times. Then turn over the bag and BOOM, the balloon has turned into a bowling ball!

You get the specially-made harness and can use any shopping or large gift bag. You’ll watch the online video instructions. Then, with just 20 minutes of preparation, you’ll be ready to leave your audiences Bowled Over!


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  • Ray asks: What is the heaviest weight bowling ball one can use?

    • 1. Michael answers: I don't know the heaviest, and found that a thick plastic ball that I found I think at Amazon is much lighter than a real bowling ball, but still hits the floor with a thick enough of a 'thud' to be convincing.
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