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Cards Across

DVD by L&L Publishing
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Cards Across

19.95 usd

DVD by L&L Publishing (19.95)

In stock.
Cards Across - magic
Cards Across Cards Across

Every magician should know a Cards Across routine. Why? Because one day they'll need to perform a trick for a big audience at a moments notice. Cards Across is the perfect trick.

On this volume you'll find some of magic's best performers performing and explaining their own versions of this time-honored classic. You'll find basic but strong handlings from Bill Malone and Michael Skinner to more involved routines with the cards visibly vanishing and traveling twice, such as in Dan Harlan's routine. Bruce Cervon causes two signed cards to travel while in Juan Tamariz's version, cards that were merely thought of move from one spectator's hand to another's. You'll also discover Michael Ammar's routine with sealed envelopes, with two selected cards traveling from one impossible place to another, and Michael Close's hilarious take, where the cards travel from one really impossible place to another.

Here's what's explained:

Cards Across (Courtesy of Murphy’s Magic Inc)

The BC Cards Across
Cards Across (Courtesy of Meir Yedid Magic)

Counter Cross

Cards Across

Butte Ox? Two Butte Ox!

Running Time Approximately 1hr 38min


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