CD Magic (Volume 1 & 2)
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Both DVDs for 59.90$59.90 | Also available individually
In July 2009, Jordan Gomez represented France with his CD manipulation act at the World Championship of Magic in Beijing (China). He finished in the top 5 best performers at only 17 years old. From that event, his CD act has been performed in over 30 countries worldwide. His magic also appeared on the major mass media broadcasters such as BBC, CCTV, M6, RAI 1 etc.
This two volume set is a must if you like Jordan's work!
Learn all the basics & incredible techniques.
PALMING TECHNIQUES - Middle Palming - Middle Transfer - Double Palming - Double Transfer - Pinky Palming - Body Palming - Cross Palming - Back Palming
MANIPULATION TECHNIQUES - Bottom / Flap Production - Top / Pinch Production - Double / Triple Production - Double Teleportation - Filp Vanish / Teleportation - Line Production 1 & 2 - Line Vanish / Reproduction - Back Vanish / Production - Wake-up Move - Crossed Production / Vanish - CD Boomerang - Five CD Production - Blink Multiple Production
UNLOAD / HOLDER TECHNIQUES - Open Fingers Vanish 1 & 2 - Back Topit - CD Holders
Language : French + English subtitles
Learn the world acclaimed act!
- How to color your CDs
CROSS CHANGE - Bottom Production & Cross Change - Top Production & Cross Change - 2/1/2 Line Color Change - Line Production (Flash) - Double Palming Reload
CROSS CHANGE + THUMB PRODUCTION - 0 Production - S Production, Start Version 1 & 2 - Bottom Production in Double Palming - Line Color Change and Line Vanish - Line Color Vanish - X Production - 3 Side Color Change - Splash Production
MULTIPLE COLOR CHANGE ROUTINE - Toss Change - Wave Change - Down Change - Snap Change - Pinch Out Change - Flip Vanish Using 4 CDs - Start Version 1, 2 & 3 for 5 CDs Production.
From the August 2015 Genii magazine. Reviewed by Joe M. TurnerThe disc is in French with English subtitles, but the most important part of the disc is the clear instruction which is captured effectively by the camera. If you’re interested in using CDs in a stage manipulation act, this is your starting point. Copyright 2015 by The Genii Corporation.
From the July 2015 MAGIC Magazine. Reviewed by Peter PitchfordOn this DVD, Jordan takes you from the basics of CD manipulation to a couple of very nice, visual routines that are more like segments of a greater act. He covers concealments, productions, droppers, steals, and ditches. He even talks about costume alterations to allow for some pretty incredible magic. This is much appreciated, since very few manipulation DVDs teach more than just sleights. Jordan is a creative and talented manipulator who charms you with his smile and then destroys you with his magic.
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René asks: Hi Is it explained how to make the CDs? Is it possible to buy a prepared CD-set?
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