Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius

Trick by Henry Harrius
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Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius

155.00 usd

Trick by Henry Harrius (155.00)

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Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius - magic
Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius

The most powerful magic trick is one that lives on forever in the minds of the spectators and with “Cube in Bottle” you can provide a miracle that every audience will remember long after you’re gone.

After transforming Cube Magic with best-selling effects like "RD Insta", "RD 360", and "Venom Cube", FISM-Winner Henry Harrius changes the game yet again with the revolutionary “Cube in Bottle.”

This is about as direct and powerful as cube magic, or any magic trick for that matter, can be. A cube and glass bottle sealed with a cork are shown and then placed in a bag. With a quick smash, the cube magically penetrates the bottle. Everyone will hear this moment happen and the spectator can even hold the bag closed at this moment.

You then instantly reach in and remove it to show that the cube is indeed inside the bottle. This impossible bottle can be immediately handed out for examination. No awkward switches or complicated sleight of hand required.

It’s a solid bottle and solid cube. There’s no way for the cube to be taken out of the bottle. There’s nothing to be found. You end completely clean. In fact, you can even give the impossible bottle away to your spectator as a one-of-a-kind souvenir since affordable refills will be available.

This can be performed on its own or serve as the PERFECT FINALE to a longer cube magic routine.

“Cube in Bottle” is remarkably easy to do. You DO NOT need to know how to solve a cube to perform it.

Each set comes with everything you need to perform the effect including:

  • New exclusive gimmick
  • 1 Giveaway refill bottle
  • 1 "RD Regular Cube"
  • 5 perfect-size RD paper bags
  • 2 sets of stickers
  • Complete instructions

The nearly 1 hour of online video instructions covers everything including a basic routine for both close-up and parlor shows, as well as a two-cube routine and a two signed cube routines. As a SPECIAL BONUS, you'll also learn the secret behind Kaito Kidman's amazing "Walking Nightmare Solve."

"Henry, you have a real winner with this one! You've taken the impossible bottle plot to a new level and I can't imagine a simpler or more effective way to perform this effect! I will be adding this to my Hidden Wonders show, It's going to kill!" Shawn Farquhar

"Effects today usually have one concept that they cash in on. But then they are not truly using all the tools at our disposal. Here, you have visual and audio illusions. Easy to do sleight of hand, elements of mystery, a clear moment of magic, and impossible penetration leaving people with an impossible object that they can keep as a souvenir. This is not only the best of both worlds, but also the best of parallel dimensions." Garrett Thomas

"Henry fooled me completely and I'm shocked by how deceptive this trick is. I recommend this trick to anyone even if they have never touched a cube before because cube-solving skills are not required." Akira Fujii

"Insanely sweet! Everything looks amazing." Mario Lopez


Customer reviews for Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius



This is such a strong effect and a very strong method. It is a great trick to add to your Rubiks cube arsenal since there won’t be anything like it in your Rubiks cube repertoire. This plays for audiences of any size and any age! It’s one of those « Universal » effects that don’t require to talk.



Had this a few years, love it, easy to do, great instructions from Henry, you’ve seen it on TV now do it yourself, a must



Unbelievable! Powerful!



In my top 10 favorite tricks. Did it to my family and coworkers and gave them bottles. One of my coworkers is still trying to figure it out a month later.



I finally got round to including this in my working set a few weeks ago.

And I'm really glad I did!

I performed the entire routine silently, allowing the sound of the bag, cube against bottle etc to tell their own story.

Audience were initially silent, perhaps confused when I crushed the bag. Then a deeper silence when I brought out the bottle with cube inside.

That was the silence of wonder. Perfect.



Simply the best bottled cube on the market.

The packaging is excellent and there is even a complimentary rd cube. The rd cube is the quintessential cube for magicians (although it could be of better quality).
Inside the package you will have everything you need and it will be practically ready to go (you will only have to choose the stack of your cube).
Be careful because the gimmick is quite fragile, see the tutorial before playing it.

Easy to do, the hardest part is making it look legit, but that's up to your audience skills.
The gimmicks are of enormous quality (still a $155 Henry Harrius product).
Perfect for stage and social magic, great for close ups.
Clear and precise tutorial, even if there could be more versions and routines.

The trick is angle proof, so you will have to have the audience in front and pay attention in the close ups. However the manufacture of the gimmick and your presentation will help.
To execute the signature cube effect, another stack in the cube is recommended. Since it's only one gimmick, you'll have to change it (They give you extra stickers). The tutorial suggests how to proceed without changing the initial stack, but it could have been analyzed better, as the effect has more impact on the audience.

Conclusions: great game and highly recommended, high price, but the quality and audience reaction are worth the price.
Remember that if you decide to give away the cube in the bottle, you will have to buy another one (only the refill of the cube in the bottle obviously, at 20$).
It can be your proper conclusion to a show, but not the beginning. This trick, to be exploited to the fullest, needs at least one effect first with another cube.

Henry Harrius has never disappointed and here too he has surpassed himself!



Great trick easy to do but very effective had a little trouble finding replacement bags



This is so good! Yes, the trick is great, but for me, the best part is being able to gift the cube in bottle! You need to buy refills (the giveaways) for this, but it is totally worth it! You are giving a piece of your show to someone, and that creates such a memorable moment! Buy lots of the refills! You'll be performing this in every show!



This is a really great piece of magic that is utterly baffling to laymen.
The props are well made and the gimmick is undetectable.
You wont be disappointed.

If I was to point to one downside then that would be that the refills make this an expensive trick to perform.
I would have liked to be able to build the rubik's cubes inside jars myself and then use those to give away which would be much cheaper, but due to the nature of the gimmick that is not possible.

I will definitely be performing this and I'm very glad I bought it, but it will have to be performed sparingly, which to be honest you should only use it sparingly anyway. It's not a trick you want to be performing at every table.



This is how I end my Rubicon routine. More on this after the review.

An absolute audience killer. The materials you get are pretty damn good quality, the instructions are pretty decently done (Which I'd expect for a higher-end product)
One thing tho, I wish it did come with a regular cube, just in general.
Pretty easy to execute, and easy to perform. The instructions go over a few good ideas.

So here is kind of what I do (no spoilers)
I perform my presentation of Rubicon, I use the cube that I solve at the end. The way I have structured the routine, the cube NEVER LEAVES THEIR SIGHT. Which is important. I want to make sure if they try to reconstruct the routine, and if they see a video of it, they will know the cube was never switched out.
When I introduce the bag, I have a person in the front row squeeze the bag and I ask what they felt. They will often say either a jar, are something square. I reveal the jar to the audience. If you know how to effect works, this is kind of important and erases any possible explanation. Since now I low-key have demonstrated that both objects I'm about to use are in fact solid without saying "HEY LOOK THIS STUFF IS SOLD" It's better sometimes to show without telling. I then place the jar back into the bag, followed by the cube. I take center stage, fold the top of the bag over, bit the top of the bag, and hold my arms out with my hands open and towards the audience. I then slowly bring my hands together until I have about a foot on each side of the bag. Then SMASH. I slam my hands together. Pause. I hold the pose for a couple of counts. I then slowly remove the bag from my mouth, still clutched by one hand. I slowly open the bag. Look into the bag. A smile forms on my face, I look up at the audience. Reach in and slowly pull out the jar. Milking the moment as you can hear the entire audience shift forward in their seats. I pause with the top of the bottle visible. Only for a moment, before I pull the rest out revealing the cube now inside of the bottle. The audience loses their minds. Depending on the show I will either give the cube out for them to keep. Or I will put it on a table I have so after the show people can come up and check the thing out.

This is the kind of trick that can get you pretty big gigs if you get the right person. I performed at a wedding reception and before I performed was told there was a guy with "deep" pockets and he was pointed out to me. I performed this routine and this dude was burning the cube hard. So after the reveal, I tossed it to him and told him to keep it. A month later I was booked to perform at their house for a work party. I performed behind their home bar, surrounded by the most amazing collection of whiskey I've ever seen. And on their Mantle above their fireplace was the cube in the bottle. The guy who booked me is now a good friend of mine and is planning to fly me to Florida for a week just to perform a 45 min show for his family. My normal rate plus everything paid for =D

I highly recommend this, but also don't want others performing it. lol, I don't need the competition =)



Henry does it again...why am I not shocked by this revelation. For me everything he produces turns up gold. sure most of the time it does involve Rubik Cube magic in one way or another. But then again why is this not a a valid magic illusion. While Rubik Cube did go out of fashion for a while Henry has brought this back with gusto and pizazz. I for one will purchase anything his devious mind comes up matter what. When you see his thought process in action and in many ways the simplicity of what he has produced you end up saying ...why didn't I think of that. Henry a few words...just keep on producing....your the genuine thinker.



Great item, nice long tuition video, comes with everything needed to do it, small set up & you are ready to go.



How good is it? For zoom shows, social media or anything face on . 5 stars

For parlour or anything where the audience are to the sides angles are an issue and the instructions don't really cover it. A different prop, available separately, is available apparently which would solve the angle issue.

Currently working on a better handling but for those scenarios I think Kieron Johnson's Isolated is better. No awkward angles and, provided you can put a cube in a bottle, any bottle.

Build quality. The gimmicked bottle is fine, the cube is fragile. It has two very small pins that came out almost instantly and are easy to lose. Given the price of the product I wasn't wildly impressed but found the pins, put them back and reinforced the cube with tape. This seems to work. I contacted Henry but no reply.

The bags supplied are a very tight fit... this is intentional but working with friends we concluded a slightly bigger bag would facilitate handling.

So summary. Am I glad I bought it? Yes, for social media and stage. No for close up or anything where people might be at the sides. Check out Kieron Johnson's Isolated.


Community questions about Cube in Bottle by Henry Harrius

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Evan asks: Will Vanishing Inc. be selling the giveaway refills, as well? (Please?)

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We are looking into stocking them in the future and will list them as soon as stock is available.
  • Ben asks: How much will the refills cost?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We are looking into stocking them in the future and will list them as soon as stock is available
  • Ehrin asks: So if we wanted to give this away. It’s a one time trick

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes. You are provided with a normal cube in a glass jar so if you were to give it away, you wouldn't be able to perform it again unless you get refills. We are looking into stocking them in the future and will list them as soon as stock is available.
  • Cosmo asks: I would like to add this to a rubik's cube effect I do, where the cube ENDS MIXED. Is it possible that this is set up with stickers that can show the cube as a MIXED cube instead of a SOLVED cube? (in other words, if it ONLY comes solved, then it wouldn't work for what I want) thanks!

    • 1. Michael answers: Hi Cosmo, I think if you reach out to Henry, he will be able to make you a mixed one.
    • 2. Cosmo answers: okay disregard that question of mine, it's obvious that the cube in the bottle is solved! duh. so I have to assume there's no way to get one that's MIXED. thanks!
    Post an answer to this question
  • Darren asks: Can I do the Venom Cube effect with this cube as well? In other words can I perform Venom and then end with Cube in Bottle with the same cube?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can with a little bit of routining.
  • Stephanie asks: I'm readying the questions but still... So if I Don't give away the cube in a bottle, I can perform this again and again. Yes?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Correct
  • Thomas asks: Is this the same trick as Isolated. I know that Isolated does not provide for the bag smash, but getting the audience member's initials inside the jar, is it the same?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Very different.
  • John asks: Can you show them bag after trick?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No, but none of the heat will be on the bag.
  • Dan asks: Are the refills expensive? And, how many in a refill? Thank you.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We are waiting on them to arrive from the manufacturer. No guaranteed arrival date yet. But, we will have them. More details when they arrive.
  • Gary asks: Can this be performed by a complete beginner?

    • 1. Jim answers: It will take practice and rehearsal.
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  • Martin asks: Do the instructions teach a method to genuinely put a cube inside a bottle (so that it can be given away)?

    • 1. Evan answers: It comes with a normal cube in a glass jar, but the instructions do not explain how to create your own cube in a jar. Vanishing Inc will be providing refills (date they will be available is yet to be determined as of this post)
    Post an answer to this question
  • Chris asks: Can this be done following Venom cube? Or is a switch needed?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There will need to be a switch but with some routining, it's possible.
  • Karl asks: I'm "assuming" this is a modern twist on the vanishing Coke bottle in a bag? If not, can it be done unlimited times if you don't give away the jar/cube at the end? It mentions "5 RD paper bags and 2 sets of stickers," so not sure if that is a limit of doing it 2 or 5 times? I'd like to get it if it never requires refills of any supplies. (I do not intend to give away the prop at the end.)

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you do not give the jar away, you can do this trick unlimited times. They give you some paper bags to start with but you can use any paper bag. As for the stickers, that's for the gimmick.
  • Philip asks: What is the size of the paper bag needed? Thank‘s!

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: I'm not 100% sure of what the measurement is but it is slightly larger than a standard lunch bag.
  • Stephane asks: I'd like to display the empty glass bottle in my room to get people intrigued. Does it come with an examinable empty glass bottle for that purpose?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It does not but perhaps you could find a similar one at a craft store.
  • Matthew asks: If I purchase a refill, could I do the trick and give the refill away without doing a switch?

    • 1. Jim answers: Short answer: yes.
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  • Keith asks: I noticed it will take practice and rehearsal, but is it very difficult to perform the moves necessary and in a convincing manner? Keith

    • 1. Jim answers: In my opinion, it is easy to perform, and it will be convincing. But I have five decades of experience. Your milage may vary.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Sam asks: I have lost my gimmick cube, do you sell replacements?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Please send our Customer Service Wizards an email at and they'll be able to help you out.
  • Kajetan asks: What are the angles? Can I have people completely surround me (obviously without them looking in the bag, the question is directed more at the special cube itself - is it angle proof)?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Your angles are very very good here. You need to be careful when displaying the cube in the beginning but other than that, you're angle proof.
  • Johnny asks: Just saw the trailer for this and it shows an empty jar and a cube before they go into the bag. Then after the cube is in the jar. I just here that you all don't supply the empty jar. What's up with that, little confused about that.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You receive everything you need to do the effect, including the empty jar. Then you can always buy refills if you need them.
  • Leigh asks: Can this be performed one handed? (For the most part)

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: With a little re-working, you sure could!
  • Hengky asks: When it will be available again?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We're still waiting on an eta, but if you hit add to cart, you'll be given the option to be emailed the moment stock arrives.
  • Damian asks: Im thinking of combining this with my matched cube in bottle routine. Could this be used in such a way that after my audience mixes a cube and it’s revealed that it matches my cube in bottle, could I then put the cube they mixed in bottle and give away? For context im using rd360 to show the audience matched my cube in bottle, If after the reveal I could put that cube in bottle and they take that home as souvenir then great. Is this possible with this

      Post an answer to this question
    • Torindo asks: Hi my name is Torindo, I would like to purchase this effect but I have a question to ask: if I don't give the cube in the bottle at the end of the effect and keep it for myself, can I always reuse the same one to redo the effect in other shows? So the material contained in the box allows me to do the effect as many times as I want? Thank you

      • 1. Jim answers: Yes, you can use it until you break it, lose it or give it away.
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