Cups and Bells
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In 2001 I was fortunate enough to have private magic lessons with Tommy Wonder.
These lessons focused on his famous "Two-cup Routine". I wentto the house of Tommy and he taught me his beautiful routine infull detail, covering every move, nuance and subtlety in greatdetail. Making sure he taught me all the important ins andouts of this marvellous piece of magic.
You can now watch and learn this fantastic routine fromthe master himself! Tommy Wonder's estate havekindly allowed us to include this rare and unique footageon this DVD absolutely FREE!
On the Bell-Cups DVD you will find new moves, new propsand new ideas specially developed for this entertainingtwo cup routine.
Bell-Cups is a routine that's full of surprises. Your audiencewill be amazed with the continuous appearance anddisappearance of the balls from under the cups and onthe custom made magic wand.
As a grand finale there is not one but two Final Productions.The Bell-Cups has been part of my professional repertoirefor several years already and is an important part ofmy professional performances and is such a greatshow stopper.
Magic consultants : Dan Lefay and Ynze ten Brink
Full instructional DVD:
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