Flying Hank to Dove - Adrin Magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Flying Hank to Dove

Trick by Adrin Magic
500.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Flying Hank to Dove

500.00 usd

Trick by Adrin Magic (500.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

Black Magic Company has recently designed and made this fantastic item which has attracted lots of magicians' attention.

On the stage, the magician shows a beautiful and shatterproof cage, which is empty, to the audience. He suddenly takes a hanky out of his pocket and steps off the stage. The magician can step off as far as he likes. After tossing the hanky, he directs it to the empty cage. As soon as the hanky enters the cage, it changes into a real dove! If you want to astonish your audience, do not miss this incredible item.


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