Kung Fu Foot

Trick by Héctor Mancha
21.00 - normally $30.00 In stock.
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Kung Fu Foot

30.00 usd

Trick by Héctor Mancha (21.00 - normally $30.00)

In stock.
Kung Fu Foot - magic
Kung Fu Foot Kung Fu Foot Kung Fu Foot Kung Fu Foot Kung Fu Foot Kung Fu Foot

How do you reveal a card onstage? It has to be something dynamic, physical, and memorable. Cue "Kung Fu Foot"! Created and honed to perfection by FISM Grand Champion Hector Mancha, this hilarious card revelation allows you to stab a card from midair...with your foot!

"Kung Fu Foot" works with any pair of socks and pants and minimal one-time preparation. You receive a custom-manufactured gimmick that allows you to "catch" a card between your toes, through your socks. The effect is easy to do and perfect for parlor, platform, and stage performances. You can even do it up close, so long as you have the space to toss a pack of cards into the air.

You also receive a 42 minute video instruction from Hector Mancha, taking you through each phase of his brilliant "Card to Foot" effect.

  • Works with any deck of cards
  • Perform surrounded
  • Detailed instruction

NOTE: Ninjas not included. Also, the running time of the online instructions is 42 mins.


Customer reviews for Kung Fu Foot


Laura Bautista

Perfect for Parlor and Stage, Kung Fu Foot becomes one of the most attractive tricks of Mancha's signature. Following his style of magic, it is a fun, somewhat quirky routine with an kicker ending that no one expects: you catch his card with your toes. Brilliant!


Community questions about Kung Fu Foot

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  • Juan Pablo asks: Hi. I just bought my "Kung Fu Foot", and my dealer told me that i have to download the instructions here but I didn´t find'em. How can I download the instructions?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: Please drop an email to magic@vanishingincmagic.com and they will be happy to help
    Post an answer to this question
  • MARCELO asks: Do I have to start the trick with my shoes off?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can start the routine with your shoe on
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