Legacy System - Joao Miranda - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Legacy System

Trick by Joao Miranda
1750.00 In stock.
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Legacy System

1750.00 usd

Trick by Joao Miranda (1750.00)

In stock.
Legacy System - magic
Legacy System Legacy System Legacy System Legacy System Legacy System Legacy System

A new era in the world of magic and mentalism. "Legacy" by Joao Miranda is a state of the art system that allows you to predict numbers, words and drawings with genuine ink that was seemingly written or drawn by hand on business cards, post-it notes, playing cards and more. Genuinely predict anything with ease!

The "Legacy System" is the ultimate secret weapon. It is masterfully concealed in a special "wallet shell" that looks just like an everyday wallet. It pairs with a special companion app that has been designed from the ground up to look like the notes app on iOS or Android smartphones. You have complete control of the system and multiple customization options. You can even purchase separate accessories like the "Legacy System Remote" (which enables you to perform with no phone at all).

Predictions look handwritten or hand-drawn and can be up to 4 different lines (perfect for confabulation routines). A real Sharpie nib is used for added authenticity. The ink lasts for over 40 words before needing to be replaced. It will last through a whole day, so you are always ready to perform, anytime, anywhere.

No assistants are needed. The "Legacy App" transforms the written letters into the fake notes app. You receive black ink and a black pencil, white paper for your predictions, a sharpie, a custom carry case and charging equipment.

The app also lets you know when to charge the system, although the 3.5 hours battery standby time means you'll never have to worry about the battery running out during your performance. Since you can secretly turn the system on and off in front of the audience, a charge should last for days of use.

"Legacy System" is virtually silent in operation so you can use it for close-up magic without fear, as well as stage and parlor magic. Using the Dual-core Xtensa LX7, one of the worlds most advanced CPUs, "Legacy System" works with all iOS devices, all Android devices and PCs with a distance of up to 20 meters.

The system uses the WPA2-PSK wi-fi protocol—the most secure in the world. This also allows for updates to be sent via email and easily uploaded. New features will be made available as time goes on. This in includes language updates. Please note though that you DON'T NEED INTERNET to perform "Legacy System."

Font customization is also available in languages that are written letter by letter. For example: (C-L-O-U-D). You can also enhance your "Legacy System" with official accessories (sold separately).

Official "Legacy System" Accessories (Sold Separately)

  • Legacy System Small Wallet
  • Legacy System Remote
    The app allows you to write all 26 alphabet letters (capital letters included), numbers, commas, the slash and the plus and minus signs.

    All other letters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, etc) will be possible in a future updates sent for free via email.


    1. How is the information "sent" from the app once the prediction is written?
    There are two ways. It can be done automatically once you hit "enter" (if you're typing yourself) or, if you want them to type, you can pre-determine how many seconds of delay you wish once the word is written (i.e. 10 seconds). Once the spectator finishes typing their selection, 10 seconds later the information is sent to the system automatically.

    Once the transfer process starts, it takes about 10-15 seconds PER WORD depending on the length and complexity of the word. This whole process is completely silent though and will never raise any suspicion.

    2. How does the performer knows when the "Legacy System has finished writing the prediction?
    Once the information is sent, a very small grey dot appears in the left corner of the screen. Once the dot disappears it means that the prediction is finished. It is only visible for those that know it, so you don't need to be afraid of any spectator seeing it.

    3. If the spectator chooses a word that contains many of the same letter (i.e. "fleet"), wouldn't they be suspicious that every letter is designed equally?
    Three different versions of letters are included and a special algorithm is used to make it so repeating letters don't look identical.

    4. Can I use the wallet as an everyday wallet?
    We probably would not advise carrying around such an expensive product everywhere you go. But, if you really wanted to, you technically could take it with you. The wallet has space for up to 9 credit cards, and even a pocket bellow where bills/receipts can be placed into.

    7. Do I need Internet to perform the effect?
    No. You can perform "Legacy System" anytime, anywhere in the world. No Internet required.

    "Legacy System" comes with a lifetime warranty for parts and labor. This warranty is operated and managed by Joao Miranda's team and does not include shipping costs. Vanishing Inc. does not handle warranty claims. They must be made directly with Joao Miranda.


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    Community questions about Legacy System

    Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

    • Peter asks: Is that price a typo?

      • 1. Julie answers: To achieve the maximum potential and flexibility of presentation I would argue that you want/need the additional accessory from the creator, and that will bring the total cost to about or over $2,000. This is for serious working professionals. I have seen it and tried it in person. It is incredible. If the price is out of reach however, with a little practice, you can achieve a similar effect with a good palm and a $16 Magnetic Boon Writer available on this site.
      • 2. Julie answers: No the price is not a typo.
      • 3. Julie answers: Considering what João Miranda must have invested to create this effect, the price is possibly too low and I'd argue that it should have cost more, if for no other reason than to preserve it strictly for a select group of serious of working pros.
      Post an answer to this question
    • Mr asks: Where can i find the “additional” accessory on your site , so i can order the prop as a whole “set” ?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The accessories are not available just yet.
    • Roger asks: Sorry same amount ! I get the same re-action with the Cornelius wallet I made a leather unit and it was 30.00 and I get the same reaction ...

      • 1. Shing Tak answers: Maybe I am magician mind, no one will figure out how but do you think in 2022, almost everyone did connect their phone to printer or photo output? And the method is straight to what exactly what it happen. I also wonder asking an audience or you type information into a phone / iPad (any high tech device) and reveal with a paper (low tech). Is it logical?
      Post an answer to this question
    • RLee asks: This sounds like a beautiful toy for those who like to spend money!! (Since there are many more affordable methods out there). So...do you folks offer financing? And, of course, I mean really good financing?

      • 1. Jim answers: Klarna is a legitimate payment option that we offer during checkout.
      • 2. Jeffrey answers: This option is not given at payment for me...
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    • Olivier asks: Is it correct that this item requires input of data in an iPhone/smartphone in front of the spectator ? If yes, does it not completely destroy the magic ?

      • 1. Oracle answers: I have the same question too. Input by smartphone and reveal by paper? I think stage performance with assistant or using their remote is smart, but does it make more sense predict with smartphone if they input with high technology and they write in paper if you reveal with paper? I don't think people will figure the secret pxxxxxr, but in 2014, 8 years ago Fujifilm already made a mini instant photo pxxxxxr that fit in a pocket. Will the audience connect to something similar when you pull out a phone and reduce the whole magical structure?
      • 2. Paul answers: With due respect to the creator, the answer is: probably yes. There is also the “too perfect/impossible” concern that would lead a tech-savvy Audience to deduce the method. Cloaking the method further by eliminating all devices for inputting the info and hiding the writing in plain sight (for example, the bookmark presentation shown in the video) would be far better. There are several ways to input the info without showing a device. Even better would be methods in which the M would apparently not know the S’s info (i.e., billet & other techniques). Bottom line: ALL electronics must be erased from the performance. Think: multiple layers of deception.
      Post an answer to this question
    • Carroll asks: If the accessory is not available for purchase now. Why would one purchase without the additional accessory?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The accessory is available. But it is not "necessary". It's only needed if you do not want to use your phone.
    • Jordan asks: What do you get when you purchase legacy system by Joao Miranda?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You get the wallet, some cards and the other bits needed to perform it.
    • Evan asks: When will the card holder, and the RFIC card set be available as accessories?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can find the card holder here: https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/magic-accessories/legacy-system-small-wallet/
    • Andy asks: The video mentions a set of dry-erase cards with an RFID chip in each - are these included with the basic purchase?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: These are not included with the basic purchase of this
    • Patrick asks: can we see a video demonstration of this ? How to use it in a public setting with real people. The only thing here is a video that promotes it, but does not demonstrate how it works.

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrhrmlI05qo&pp=ygUbbGVnYWN5IHN5c3RlbSBqb2FvIG1pcmFuZGEg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEVaRmORLTA&pp=ygUbbGVnYWN5IHN5c3RlbSBqb2FvIG1pcmFuZGEg
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