Let's Get Flurious - Gary Kurtz - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Let's Get Flurious

Magic download (video) by Gary Kurtz

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Let's Get Flurious

14.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Gary Kurtz (14.95)

Flurious is an intensive new instructional download from Gary Kurtz. The magic is original and of the highest quality in every respect. Gary is a captivating performer and the items in this download are truly valuable to any performer.

Included on this outstanding Download is Forced Thought, Signed, Sealed, Delivered, and Gary's signature effect, Flurious-an incredible routine with a jumbo coin that leaves audiences speechless! A complete listing of effects performed and explained are:

  • Forced Thought
  • Signed, Sealed, Delivered
  • Trio in Three
  • Copper/Silver Continuation
  • Code of Silence
  • Attraction
  • Sharing the Limelight
  • Flurious

And, a very special section devoted to magic psychology, misdirection, and direction of attention. Gary's thoughts on these subjects can give your magic a much greater impact on your audiences.

Running Time Approximately 90min


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  • Robert asks: Does this download include Gary Kurtz's version of the slip cut force? If so, is the explanation clear and detailed? Thanks...

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