Beginning in the late 1970s, Lewis Ganson, one of magic's most respected writers of that era, produced a series of booklets that featured...
9 Great Sneak Attacks To Daze And Amaze! It's clear that we like Thom Peterson's magic here at Vanishing Inc. His DVD, Sucker Punch,...
Every magician should know a Cards Across routine. Why? Because one day they'll need to perform a trick for a big audience at a moments...
We’re becoming increasingly worried about the direction magic is headed with the abundance of garbage being released lately. That’s why we, at...
Bob Read...At His Best! Bob Read was a truly rare combination: a consummately-skilled magician as well as an incredibly funny and commercial...
From the highest fertile grounds of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe, California, comes one of America’s most prized collections of...
The Silent Treatment by Jon Allen is the effect that Jason Alexander performs in his Magic Castle act. This is one of those perfect openers....
Apart from being a magician, David Regal makes his living as a writer for TV series. He is an expert in his field, and this really shows through...
The definition of today's magic shop is that we bring you the latest, coolest new magic. But Vanishing Inc. is more than that. We want to help you...
Never has there been a more articulate manifesto declaring magic a true art. And never has one man offered a more detailed and coherent plan for...
The Magic of Michael Ammar is one of the biggest-selling magic books in recent history. Now, you can see the material performed on DVD! On...
David Regal has created more great close-up magic in the past decade than anyone else I can think of. His previous books, Star Quality, Close-Up...
Our goal at Vanishing Inc is not to push the newest trends or the latest releases. It’s to equip the dedicated magical student with the right...
Mark Elsdon has been making a name for himself around the UK as the guy that can solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. He's got so good at it that he can...
This quarter dollar flipper coin has a great edge that makes the secondary coin look just like a normal coin. It's magnetic, allowing you to...
There’s a lot of talk about torn and restored newspapers these days; it seems this trick is making a comeback—and with good reason, it’s visual,...