Quantum Deck

Trick by Craig Petty
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4.5 | 26 reviews

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Quantum Deck

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Trick by Craig Petty (39.95)

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Quantum Deck - magic
Quantum Deck Quantum Deck Quantum Deck Quantum Deck Quantum Deck Quantum Deck Quantum Deck Quantum Deck Quantum Deck

One of magic’s biggest mysteries has been solved…

“Fooled the s*** out of me and I loved it“ Brent Braun

“Quantum Deck” from Craig Petty might just be the holy grail of the Card at Any Number plot. This is as clean and straightforward as it gets. If you had actual magic powers, this is how you’d perform this iconic classic of magic.

Listen, we get it. Magic and hyperbole go together like peanut butter & jelly or Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin. But, what we are about to describe is truly what happens—as hard as it might be to believe.

You should probably watch “Quantum Deck” in action first though. Check out the full performance in the trailer before reading any further. While you do, please keep two things in mind:

  • The number is freely named
  • The “Quantum Deck” is examinable at the end

Welcome back.

We hope you actually took the time to watch the video. If you did, you’ll understand what we meant about having to see it to believe it. That being said, we’ll do our best to sum it up in words.

What is “Quantum Deck”?

A deck of cards that is clearly blank on both sides is introduced. You let your spectator know that there is only one card printed in this blank deck of cards and the spectator is going to tell you exactly where it is. All they have to do is name a number. This playing card can even be signed if you’d like.

You then cleanly deal down cards, clearly showing every playing card is blank on both sides as you do. They can burn your hands if they want. When you reach their number, they won’t believe their eyes when they see that the only printed playing card in the whole deck resides precisely at the number they chose.

This is strong enough on its own. But, the fact you can then hand the cards out for examination takes “Quantum Deck” to another planet.

  • No equivoque
  • No deck swtich
  • No complicated sleight of hand
  • No difficult math
  • The card truly is at the number they named
  • The deck can be examined
  • Instant reset

It might seem too good to be true. But, it is true. They freely name any number and the playing card is at that position. It’s about as close to real magic as possible.

However, this is still a magic trick. So, there is a method. And we feel it’s important to let you know that while they can freely name any number, if they chose an unusually low or small number, you may need to gently nudge them toward a more workable number. By simply suggesting that you both know their card is closer to the middle, you can discreetly coerce them into “trusting their intuition” and freely naming another number that’s slightly larger or smaller. Everything is extremely fair. And, in many cases, the fact they changed their mind makes things seem even more impossible.

Are the cards really examinable?

“Quantum Deck” uses an ingenious principle built into the special deck of cards that takes care of nearly all the hard work for you. And, yes, to reiterate—despite the fact it’s a special deck of cards—you can confidently allow your audience to examine “Quantum Deck”.

That’s one of the many things we love about this effect. But we want to be very transparent with you: the spectators are TECHNICALLY examining a deck that a very astute magician might notice is "gimmicked" after close examination. But, the way Craig has carefully developed this deck allows laypeople to unwittingly handle the deck without finding anything. (If you're new to magic, you may find this a little nerve-wracking the first time you do it, but, trust us, we've experimented with it and think it's really smart.) Craig even shares a way that you can prepare the deck to potentially fool your magician friends.

Everything is covered in the four hours of instruction, which includes a full hour of live performances both close-up and on stage, as well as in virtual magic shows. You’ll learn multiple bonus routines, ideas and handlings, including how the “Quantum Deck” isn’t restricted to just Card at Any Number. You can perform transpositions, predictions, comedy routines or even use it as a forcing deck. In fact, you don’t even need a playing card at all and can instead use a credit card, business card or even a slip of paper.

This is a super practical worker. It resets in seconds and is perfect for table-hopping close-up magic and street magic, while also playing large enough for stage or parlor magic.

It’s no surprise why some of the smartest minds in magic were truly blown away by how genius “Quantum Deck” is:

"That's awesome!" Shawn Farquar

"Dude... my mind is blown right now." Damien O'Brien

"Mr Craig Petty, I have no idea.” Kyle Purnell

"Yeah, I have absolutely no idea, Craig. That's really, really good." Marc Oberon

“Quantum Deck” is one of Craig Petty’s most cherished creations and he’s thrilled to finally share it with you.


Customer reviews for Quantum Deck



I've got to start this review by saying that you shouldn't listen to all the controversy that surrounded this deck when it came out. As a result of all that I ended up forgetting about the Quantum Deck and gradually buying a lot of Craig Petty's other products which are all amazing. Then I remembered the Quantum Deck! I've only had this a couple of days but it's so easy to do with such an amazing, jaw-dropping effect. The teaching, as always, is clear and detailed and I can't wait to practise and use all the other effects this deck can do. Thank you Vanishing Inc for your constantly outstanding service. Now that I've had this a little while I have to add that this is one of the best tricks I've ever bought and, surprisingly for the incredible effect it delivers, one of the easiest! When you get it you genuinely go through and surprise yourself that it works every time and that you end clean with spectators able to look at everything. The different routines presented on the tutorial videos are great and it can be used in conjunction with other card tricks or trick decks. I can't recommend it enough!



Simply unbelievable trick. Pretty easy to get down with such a well put together instructional video. Another easy trick for beginner magicians. My favorite thing to do with this trick when I’m done is a deck switch into a Mental Photography deck.


Laura Bautista

I think, after trying many variants, that this is the best ACAAN routine of all the ones I have seen so far. It is the fairest and most reliable trick of all the ones I know. The quality of the deck is quite good considering that it is essentially an invisible deck variant and therefore from time to time you will have to reinforce roughing fluid or spray. I especially like that Craig Petty bothered to find a way to save out of range positions. I have seen many magicians with ACAAN routines (Adrian Vega, Christian Grace...) who simply trust the spectator to choose the right numbers "because by probability they are the most common ones." In magic we have to have all the possibilities covered, from 1 to 52 and Craig Petty in Quantum has achieved it. I think that alone deserves the five stars. Furthermore, in my opinion it is a deck that can be examined, at least by spectators (non-magicians) who may have never seen a deck like that in their lives. Surely they will not realize its intrinsic characteristics and will simply be surprised that all the cards are white except one. Great routine and great explanatory video. Super recommended.



I kid you not, as soon as I received the Quantum Deck at my door, I started to practice with the deck and fool myself every time that I did it successfully. I absolutely love this deck and can see myself fooling people with it. I especially love the concept of taking a classic effect and making an absolute masterpiece out of it. Highly recommend!



I have never bought a card effect where I waited so long to watch the explanation video. I didn't want to know. I watched Craig's performance video like 3 times before I brought myself to watch the explanations. This is ... genius, honestly. I'm in awe of the impact, of the technique, and of the comprehensive videos that go in cool, different directions. If I'd invented this, I never would have published it. Thank you Craig, truly.



Very cleverly thought out concept by Craig Petty. Will make sure this is practiced before performing it and the ideas surrounding the principles of the concept are brilliant. I always chuckle when I can make the card appear at any number! Well done Craig!



Craig Petty, as always, succeeded in the Quantum deck. The method is amazing, the explanation videos are amazing, the routines are amazing, I love this trick. But it’s more than just a trick, you can do a wide variety of effects with this deck, all of which are amazing incredible. Well done Craig Petty, I would recommend this to anyone.



Still going to give it 5 stars. The most valuable part of this purchase is the video instructions and video collection. Don't be mislead, the overwhelming majority of the videos are just performances....BUT! They spawn all kinds of ideas so that makes it worth it.

I would have paid $30 just for the one hour video instructions....so consider the gimmick as a free bonus to make it easier.

We have been asked not to disclose the gimmick details, so let me just say the gimmick is not necessary .... just use the video downloads and a double blank deck.

Learning the secret worth every dime! The gimmick, you could make yourself or just think for 3 minutes and use a blank deck.

Disappointed? Perhaps a teeny tiny bit. Am i glad i made the purchase? YES



Truely brilliant
This look fantastic and ever when you know the method it is still fooling
Undetected method
Super easy
Well made
Last a while
Only problem is you may have to buy something extra for later on
But overall brilliant
Well worth the money
Can actually be examined without doing any sneaky moves
About a 5 hour tutorial
Numerous routine ideas



This is brilliant!
Fully examinable, nothing to ditch
Great reactions, well worth the money
Good quality
Expert teaching with hours of tutorial from Craig Petty
Highly recommend



Well done Craig ! So simple and terrific ! Now. I do prefer the version with the celebrity names that justifies completely the use of that special deck without selling anything on the methodology… Great, great, great ! One of my best purchase of the year ! Highly recommended !!



I don't like blank cards or C.A.A.N. effects. That has changed with the Quantum Deck. The method is genius, and the effect is mostly self-working, and everything can be examined at the end. The most difficult thing for me was taking it out of its package.



Honestly, this effect is one of the most astonishing you'll ever see or perform, because it looks completely normal with no "magic" clichés. You can use a playing card, business card, photograph, ANYTHING.

Once you learn how it's done, it's even MORE astonishing. Craig Petty has created a masterpiece, IMHO. But be sure NOT to shuffle the deck normally -- I did this like an idiot and had to spend FOREVER getting the cards back correctly. But you're probably less of an idiot than I am ... which is a low bar, indeed. :P



It's a very well thought out idea and you can't really go wrong with getting the hang of it because of the very detailed explanations given in the extensive tutorials. Craig very passionately delivers very clear instructions with plenty of useful tips which encompass everything you need to know. I'd certainly recommend this because of the thoroughly informative demonstrations and explanations and for the good quality of the product. Of course, like anything worth while, some time is needed to get used to handling it but you don't need any advanced sleight of hand to successfully present this clever trick.



I've always liked Craig Petty, he has a very imaginative mind and he clearly takes pride in what he creates. The fact that there is over five hours of instruction with this project shows how much he cares. This is a very clever and enjoyable trick to perform and the reactions are always strong. And it is a versatile trick that can be done in many ways. I've created a drawn out version using the digital force bag which just adds another layer of awe to the performance. Get this and use your imagination and you'll have a staple in your routine.



-One of the easier things to do, yet very effective.
-Useful in ways beyond the main presentation.
-High quality and fine tuned.

-It’s powerful to any magician since they see no special handling and realize how unlikely the result is, but it would be easy for a lay person to miss this aspect if the performer doesn’t consider this.
-The cost, but considering how effective a tool this is and the quality, as well as the extensive sharing of ideas and uses beyond the main trick, it’s worth swallowing.

-Alternative to the presentation, I use all of the extra cards and set it up so it’s even easier. On the one hand, any teenager could do it, but certainly anyone older can do it as well.
-My hands get dry easily, so I like to use O’Keeffe’s Working Hands to make it easier to handle playing cards.



I really love this effect! I mean really love it. I don’t say that often but Craig has designed a beautiful and amazing effect. Once you know the secret and practice some then you’ll be blowing people’s minds!
You can even reset and do the trick again with the same person but with a different number. The tutorials are very thorough and I’d really like to commend Craig on this. If you’re on the fence about this one I say go for it!!!!!



This is such a clever idea from Craig. I love an effect with a blank deck (I’ve been using The Hidden in my set for years and years) and this is another fantastic addition.
I rarely perform for magicians, but a layperson would be able to examine the deck with no issues as far as I am concerned. Although most audiences wouldn’t be interested in examining the deck anyway.

As for the effect itself, it is a great new take on C.A.A.N and Craig gives so many presentational ideas. I fully recommend the Quantum Deck

VI Monthly


This is very smart. At first, I thought I had an idea - But boy, I was in for a treat. This is really a smart way of doing the CAAN premise, and a whole lot more ideas. The CAAN is just the tip of the iceberg, an 5 hours iceberg.

Craig's teaching is very very good. He is thorough and leaves no stone unturned. I can't stop saying good stuff about this project.

Get it, I don't think you'll regret this.



Most magic tricks that are sold are just rehashes of old principles with a different presentation. But that's not true here. Although the Quantum Deck does use a device that's used for a lot of card magic, it's applied in a different, novel way that I've never seen before. This is something new and different.

Yes, you can do the trick in the trailer, and it's easy to do. But the Quantum Deck is more powerful than that, there's a principle here that can be used for other tricks as well. Fortunately, you get a LOT of instructional video, and this point is made again and again, even illustrated with examples.

This is worth buying.



I love it the concept plot is great, all the effects you can do with quantum are great and very strong, what you see in the trailer is what you can do in real world performance,



In my opinion, the sound makes it a better trick for Zoom. That's my only qualm, but it's kind of a big one.



……. The idea is great… ..

The gimmick ……. I avoid doing reviews



I'm a fan of Craig Petty. Wanted to clarify that first. Bought this because I'm very intrigued by ACAAN and it seemed, although not exactly ACAAN, very deceptive.

Unfortunately, Quantum Deck doesn't deliver. The deck itself is great. The method is the problem. As many others have pointed out on here and other sites... this would work great virtually due to control of camera angles and whatnot. Live and in person... not so much. Test ran this on my girlfriend and she very quickly picked up that the amount of cards I was dealing onto the table was more than I was counting.

My advice: skip this one and get Craig's upcoming (as of this review on Feb. 3, 2025) effect, Atomic Deck.



2 Star only you ask? Well, it's completely unexaminable (which I could live with if not for the next fact) and prone to messing up (the gimmick is not full proof in the slightest). This would work well virtually, but that is about all I would use it for. Maybe Craig's deck is some special non-mass produced edition or something, because the one I have is not reliable.



Upon reviving my package, everything worked fine. On my first three performances, the method was guessed almost exactly correct. After 5-8 performances, the gimmick started to wear out and it’s become almost unable to perform.

It’s a great trick and a great concept. What is put on the trailer looks like real magic, but I don’t the the price is worth the quality of the gimmick you receive.


Community questions about Quantum Deck

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Mark asks: Is it beginner level and does it have any difficult moves?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The deck does most of the work for you but there is a small amount of sleight of hand involved.
  • Len asks: is this easy for a real beginner?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: With some practice and rehearsal, a beginner can do this effect.
  • Mathieu asks: Does the dealing can be done by spectator ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The dealing is done by the magician.
  • Joe asks: Can the printed card be any card chosen by the magician a head of time?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes, you'll be able to determine the card ahead of time.
  • Brian asks: Can the ENTIRE deck be examined by the participant or is this like most trailers where they only tell you the half truth?

    • 1. George answers: No, it cannot be examined as stated in the ad copy, just like an Invisible Deck can't be examined. It's very misleading.
    • 2. James answers: Read the "Are the cards really examinable?" section above—it is a fair answer to your question.
    • 3. Jack answers: I think it would 100% fool a lay person, in terms of a magician, they may see something going on, but that wouldn’t help them figure it out.
    • 4. Reza answers: No, the deck cannot be examined. The ad copy is dishonest in this regard. When Craig Petty said to Adam Wilber, if he were there, he could hold and examine the deck, he is not being honest because someone as seasoned as Adam would figure out the method in about 20 seconds or less.
    • 5. Christopher answers: I know some say the trailer is dishonest. You can easily hand the deck out to any spectator. As for a fellow magician Craig teaches you a way of doing this on the tutorial. Even if they found the secret they still wouldn’t understand the method. If that makes sense.
    • 6. Peter answers: Yes. A non magician will not figure out the principle. A magician with knowledge of this exact methodology may figure it out, with or without examining the deck, but that is a big maybe. Additionally, I think it is possible to tweak the gimmick so as to make it even less detectable. I am still experimenting with this. I would place the Quantum Deck in the pantheon of really great ideas, alongside the Okito box and Tom Brady not retiring for another year.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Brian asks: Does this instructional teach how to construct a deck of a custom brand for those of us who wanted to get creative?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: While it doesn't teach a construction of the deck, it is very easy to build one yourself with a custom brand.
  • Andy asks: Firstly if I order will I get a tutorial video emailed to me before I get the deck & also you say there are no slights but on the first question asked you said the deck dose most of the work for you only a small amount of slight of hand involved could you please clarify thanks.

    • 1. Kento answers: Several methods are shown for getting through certain situations that could rarely come up. A few of those require one or two fairly basic slights, but at least one other is, I'd say, slightless (new word). The videos are pretty thorough (haven't watched them all yet).
    • 2. Jim answers: Please contact customer service on this.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Jason asks: is the gimmick deck just blank cards and a single card of any value? Curious because if I order do I get the download now, even without the deck being available? I have a couple of blank card decks so I wouldn't necessarily need to wait for the gimmick deck

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The gimmick is different to what you are describing. Although it can technically be made up at home, the cost of doing so almost equals the cost of buying the trick. We also urge magicians to consider the creator in situations like this. You are buying someone's idea. So even if you could watch the explanation, make your own, and request a refund, that wouldn't be at all ethical (in our opinion).
  • Jason asks: Just to be clear about my previous question, I have no problem supporting creators at all. I was curious if I need to have the "actual" gimmicked deck in hand in order to watch the tutorial. I have no problem waiting but wanted to know if I have to wait til May to watch the video because I'm waiting for a gimmicked deck if I could assemble one myself in the meantime.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You don't need to have it to watch the tutorial. And, yes, you could try to make it up yourself, but it took Craig a long time and many, many prototype attempts to get it right. If you've bought the product and have the video, there's nothing to stop you trying, but it may be very frustrating.
  • James asks: If I pre-order Quantum now will I have to pay now or when it ships?

    • 1. Stephen answers: You pay when you place the order.
    Post an answer to this question
  • David asks: I am a full time professional restaurant Magician. I would be doing this perhaps hundreds of times. so naturally the deck will start to look dirty, and need replacing. will I just need to purchase a regular blank deck or will I have to purchase another gimmick as well?

    • 1. Jim answers: You will be able to purchase a blank deck then do some DIY work yourself. It is reasonably easy, IMHO.
    Post an answer to this question
  • David asks: Might an astute spectator notice something about the texture of the cards?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Probably not because most spectators are not familiar with specific textures of playing cards.
  • James asks: Can this be answered without giving away any secrets: When Craig did it the second time, after the number was given, Craig turned the deck upside down before counting. This seems suspicious and, if performing it for a second time for a spectator, how does one justify that? I would immediately have questioned this action.

    • 1. Josh answers: If one holds a deck in the opposite hand naturally by the short ends holding vertically (long edge up), they can then gesture with it wrist up or down and take it with the other hand either way.
    • 2. George answers: You'll have more issues explaining why the deck cannot be examined.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Royce asks: what type of sleight of hand will i need to learn to do this trick?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There are no sleights in this effect.
  • Thomas asks: How long does this deck last? I read a review saying that it only lasted 5-8 performances...

    • 1. Jim answers: This is subjective. If you treat your cards with care, they will last longer. If you treat them roughly…
    Post an answer to this question
  • Thomas asks: On Penguin Magic, a lot of people are saying that this trick isn't very great for live up-close magic. Does this trick look better live or virtually?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This trick is made for live in-person performances. It looks great!
  • Graeme asks: Are refill decks available without the packaging or instructions?

    • 1. Jim answers: Not at the moment.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Darren asks: Can the trick be repeated to the same audience or is a set required.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It cannot be repeated for the same audience.
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