Refilled by Henry Harrius - Henry Harrius - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Refilled by Henry Harrius

Trick by Henry Harrius
75.00 In stock.
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4.8 | 9 reviews

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Refilled by Henry Harrius

75.00 usd

Trick by Henry Harrius (75.00)

In stock.
Refilled by Henry Harrius - magic
Refilled by Henry Harrius Refilled by Henry Harrius Refilled by Henry Harrius Refilled by Henry Harrius Refilled by Henry Harrius Refilled by Henry Harrius Refilled by Henry Harrius

Henry Harrius is finally sharing one of his oldest, best kept secrets. “Refilled” is a signature routine in his working commercial set and we’re proud to be the only magic shop allowed to offer this beautiful modern version of a beloved classic.

An empty glass bottle of Corona beer is introduced alongside a paper bag and bottle opener (a.k.a your “magic wand"). The bottle is then placed in the bag and magically becomes refilled and sealed. You can immediately hand it out to an audience member. It’s a real beer they can enjoy during the show.

If your mind immediately jumps to Norm Nielsen’s “Classic Vanishing Bottle”, you’d be on the right track. However, what makes “Refilled” so special is the added depths to the illusion Henry has integrated to make this effect more deceptive then ever. This brilliantly constructed routine allows the spectator to now touch, and even hear, the empty bottle before it’s refilled.

“Henry’s latest improvements on the vanishing bottle bring him one step closer to being a genius. This one is going into my Hidden Wonders show immediately.” Shawn Farquhar

Produced with full permission from Norm Nielsen Magic, this is the most realistic vanishing bottle gimmick you’ll ever find. “Refilled” by Henry Harius is the ideal routine for any stage and parlor magic show or Zoom magic show, and can even be used during close up magic at a bar or party if you’d like. There is so much natural comedy and fun built right into this incredible routine.

Comes with:

You must supply your own paper bag and real Corona beer.

“The vanish of a bottle in a paper bag is a popular piece. Henry has come up with a delightful version that both increases the deception and adds a new surprising ending.” tom stone

"This is the best, most realistic prop of its kind with a kicker ending any pro would be proud to use. I know I will." Eric Jones

“A very simple (and brilliantly produced) prop and a very simple routine is all that Henry needs for our minds to effortlessly fool themselves. Cheers!” Pit Hartling

IMPORTANT: As this is a signature routine for Henry, he has elected to not include TV rights with this effect. If you’d like to perform “Refilled” on TV, please contact Henry at


Customer reviews for Refilled by Henry Harrius



This is one of the best tricks I have ever brought! Very simple and effective, but an amazing, highly crafted piece of work. For the price, I was not disappointed and feel this will last forever! Added straight into my shows, with limited practice! Amazing reactions and fits in my style!



Great easy to do magic effects. I ask who likes a beer so as hands shoot up just pick someone and hand refilled with opener and you've got them!!!



I can say that Refilled by Henry Harrius is a game changer. First of all, the quality of the prop is top-notch. It will last forever. It looks just like a real Corona glass bottle. Even when you look at it closely, there is no way you can tell that it is a prop. It comes with a lot of stickers and a very nice bottle opener too! It’s a real bottle opener, and you can use it on any bottle. Although you cannot have any liquid in the bottle, I don’t think it matters anyway. The teaching is done by Henry Harrius himself. As usual, he tells you everything that you need to know about this product. He teaches a few routines, and all of them are good. There is no weird movements, and everything makes sense. I like the two bottle version the most. I used to perform vanishing bottle, but then I realized that some people that I performed to already knew what was going on. Maybe they learned it from YouTube or something. So, I stop performing it. When Refilled came out, it got me really excited. I like the fact that it is not a vanishing trick. Instead, it is a production trick. I love the idea! I love the props! I love the routines! I just LOVE everything about it!!


Luis Antonio

first of all, thanks to vanishing magic inc for their professional costumer service...i received my bottle few days ago and this thing describes perfection..worth every penny..quality is excellent and by the feel, you'll know this will last a really looong time..i've had several neilsen bottles, but by far this one is yourself a favor and buy this item...if you're not sure where to buy it or want feel safe about your purchase, vanishing inc take their costumer and their purchases seriously...i highly recommend vanishing magic over penguin magic in 10 out of 10..excellent prop, excellent quality



I have done this now several times on stage and it has a great reaction each and every time! It's well made and is almost self working. I have done this around a dozen times now and have used the same sticker, so the stickers you get will last a very long time.



Exceedingly well made material - super easy to perform - great kicker ending.
Seems to be holding up very well after several performances. I find I need to replace the stickers nearly every performance, but there are plenty included (front and back).



Very happy with this purchase. I have always used the vanishing ketchup bottle as a prelude trick for an illusion where we vanish a person. Never really liked using it in that sense because the vanishing ketchup bottle is a great trick, yet this felt like a “throw away” even though it got good laughs.

Now I think I will use this instead as a follow up in my Bill in Lime routine. It will fit perfectly, it give the trick way more meaning then being used as a “gag,” and I can enjoy a corona throughout the show!! ??



I pre ordered this. I received it a week before it was supposed to come out. I was very happy about that. Once I opened the box, I was even happier!! The quality is top notch, as is with anything that Henry Harrius puts out. The routine is great. A true fooler! Highly recommended!!!! 5 stars all the way!!



Not as good as the N**m N*****n ones. Sure it LOOKS better--I'll 100% give it that, but not as far as it's 'vanishing' qualities. The others seem to 'stay vanished' much better ... If you know what I mean... and I think you do. NOW the CONVINCERS that Henry has given are OFF THE CHARTS! Waaaaaaay better additions in regards to the refilled beer aspect. I'll use THIS routine and subtleties with my original vanishing bottles and do a little work-around for the fact that the bottles aren't clear. My suggestion ... buy it for the convincers. The bottle is good, but not a better version of the originals. Also the labels don't seem to stand up to repeated use as the originals.


Community questions about Refilled by Henry Harrius

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Randy asks: Is there a video available?

    • 1. Rob answers:
    • 2. Randy answers: Craig Petty offers this thorough review with a few performance videos also (the official video, a performance by Craig, and a silent performance by Craig's son):
    Post an answer to this question
  • Beth asks: How hard is this to perform? I'm new to magic and not as skilled as most are........

    • 1. Hito answers: Not hard at all. Pretty much self working.
    • 2. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Nearly self-working
    • 1. Hito answers: Not hard at all. Pretty much self working.
  • Mike asks: It says “stickers for aprox 100 shows”… If you use them all, can you buy more? Or do need to buy the whole trick again?

    • 1. Ken answers: Replacement stickers and bags are available.
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  • Mark asks: At about 00:45 there's what appears to be an animated graphic on the bag. Is it part of the effect?

    • 1. Jim answers: Nope. It is just there as part of the ad.
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  • Randy asks: is this anymore than a plastic empty beer bottle and a filled one?

    • 1. Gaetano answers: I don't think so
    • 2. Bud answers: There is more to this illusion than just an empty beer bottle and a filled beer bottle.
    • 3. Jaime answers: Can you show the bag to the audience before puting the empty botlle?
    • 4. Rod answers: I don’t think you can show the bag empty before … it is what it is.
    • 5. Jason answers: You could but that just creates a problem in that the real beer has to, at some point, be in the bag. Now you have to solve that problem, which is solvable by the way but would require some additional steps and difficulties that if you are doing an actual parlor or stage show and can control the environment, then it is absolutely doable. If this is being done impromptu, restaurant, or strolling situation, it may be more difficult or so hard that it's not worth it. Besides, no one suspects anything after the bag is crumpled up. There is nowhere for the muggle brain to go after that, so you may be running without being chased.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Larry asks: Any options other than Corona beer?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Just Corona at this time.
  • Jorge asks: Is this suitable for walk around/restaurant magic?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yup!
  • Benjamin asks: Is it the same principle as “cube in bottle” from HH ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes, similar.
  • Mark asks: Can you print your own stickers to match a bottle you might choose?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you know how to print stickers, it is possible.
  • Jan asks: Can the gimmick bottle filled with a bit of liquid? That you can drink it and then refill it again?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: That is possible but make sure that all of the liquid is gone before you vanish it.
  • Frankie asks: It doesn’t appear that the tutorial link on the box is appearing for “Filled” Can you send me a working link for the tutorial?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you send an email to and supply your order number someone will happily help you with this!
  • Benjamin asks: As a bartender would this actually work? I work in an enclosed view with almost a 360 view surrounding me. How foolproof can it be? There's Corona Extra in the dropdown cooler/fridge next to me too.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can do it totally surrounded.
  • Brandon asks: It says enough stickers for 100 performances. Does this mean there are 100 stickers or are they expecting you to get multiple uses from each one? From the reviews someone stated they couldn't get more than one use per sticker and the refills only come with 20 stickers so curious how many come with the original bottle. The NN stickers last for 100s of performances so guessing these stickers aren't made from similar material if they need to be replaced more frequently.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Each time it gets crushed, so you need to replace them after each performance.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: I'm not sure what you mean but you can't put liquid in the gimmicked bottle.
  • Michael asks: Where can you buy the replacement stickers. I want to purchase them along with refilled in 1 order.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We don;t current sell replacement stickers but you do get extra sets with the bottle
  • Christopher asks: Does anyone know how long this lasts in terms of yellowing? I'm an amateur. I've been doing magic since the 90s but I don't make money with magic so I'd hate to use this a few times than lose track of it for a couple years then pull it out again and realize it's ages poorly and I have to buy a new one.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This will last a very long time and should not yellow. It is made of a higher quality material than most gimmicked bottles.
  • Rod asks: Any ideas where to get good paper bags or the size of paper bag that works best ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Henry sells them on his site but you can measure the length of the bottle and then search for some on Amazon that are slightly taller.
  • Douglas asks: If you're able to get actual bottle labels from a local craft brewery, would those be able to be used just the same as the included stickers? Or do you need specific type of stickers?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can. The stickers provided are made of vinyl and can be used for several performances without showing wear.
  • jim asks: Is there any printing on the bottle if you don’t put a sticker on it? I do family shows and was thinking about using it refilled as a bottle with a colorful soda. No label. Obviously not beer, though.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The bottle, without the stickers, is completely blank. No printing.
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