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Rocket Book

Trick by Scott Green
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Rocket Book

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Trick by Scott Green (29.95)

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Rocket Book - magic
Rocket Book Rocket Book Rocket Book Rocket Book Rocket Book Rocket Book Rocket Book Rocket Book Rocket Book Rocket Book

3, 2, 1, Blastoff! It's Scott Green's Rocket Book, streaking through the sky into magician's repertoires around the world. If the Coloring Book met your Topsy Turvy Bottle and had a baby, it'd be the Rocket Book.

This prop is very easy-to-perform, filled with illustrations of bright and colorful rockets, and has a powerful appeal to family audiences. Virtually or in-person, it is a sure-fire audience pleaser.

Check out the video to see how well this plays -- even those at the skeptics in your audience. You show all the pages in the book right-side up. Even when you turn the book upside down, the pictures magically remain right-side up. To top off the fun, you can even turn the book sideways and--you guessed it--the rockets are still right-side up. And they stay that way until you want them to magically turn upside down.

The book is nearly 12" x 12" in size, printed on thick stock, and is ready for you to perform the moment you receive it. Scott's online instructions include his full routine, plus his idea for a kicker ending using your own Topsy-Turvy Bottle. The team at Vanishing Inc. highly recommends you add it to your show to take the climax over the top. Get the Rocket Book and elevate your show into outer space.

“Rocket Book is bloody brilliant. I love it. Best coloring book trick ever. Well done!” Keith Fields


Customer reviews for Rocket Book



Such a great take on the coloring book effect. While the trick is taught in conjunction with another marketed trick to make a routine, this book alone is a good piece of magic. The quality is superb with bright and clear colors and designs. I really have nothing bad to say about it. It is great for parlor shows and I have even done this in some stage settings.



Great quality book!





I love the concept of Rocket Book. Still working on the precise presentation. I think there's a lot here that I have not fully tapped.



I didn't intend to add this to my act, but due to a request from a mother to include a trick about astronauts and/or space in a birthday party show, I ordered this. Because of my experience with the coloring book trick, I didn't expect to use it much, if at all, after that show.

I now perform it in most every show, and am invariably surprised at how strong the reaction is. Every. Single. Time.

I actually retired the classic coloring book from my act eons ago because kids were almost always familiar with it. In fact recently a young audience member (around 10) told me he was an amateur magician and happened to list the coloring book as one of his favorite to perform. A few minutes later he asked how I did the rocket book trick.

If you get this trick, a couple of tips:

1) Since you know the coloring book, you may be inclined to run through it a couple of times before performing, if even that. I urge you to practice. The orientation of the book changes each time, so you need to remember which corners to flip from; also, the last couple of pages can be easy to accidentally skip unless you practice holding the corner of the page just right as you flip it. The high quality of the paper makes a slight difference in the handling.

2) The premise I like to use when performing this is to have the kids call out something that disappears when astronauts go into space. They invariably say gravity (there may be other answers but I call out gravity) and then demonstrate that there is no up or down in space. It's not exactly a super-accurate-science-lesson, but the kids know enough about the topic to understand the journey I'm taking them on. And since I don't have a patent or trademark on gravity, if you're inclined to use that premise, please do.






Absolutely amazing for kids! A lot of kids see it and go "I know this one, you're going to color the pictures." So many kids have seen the coloring book trick, and they think this is just that but for space pictures. But they are always surprised when they see what actually happens. It's great for kids, but I've even had parents be amazed by it. A must have for anyone who does magic for kids.





This was given to me as a lovely Christmas present from my children and grandchildren. Having watched Scot Green perform it in the promotional video, I was able to entertain my family with it straight out of the box. I am delighted with it. It’s a really nice variation on the magic colouring book and Scot Green’s way of including a single topsy turvy bottle with it is brilliant. It’s also helpful to do that if you have very young children in the audience because they can be unsurprised by rockets appearing the right way up in an upside down book! (That reminds me of when my grandchildren were little and played hide-and-seek but thought they were well hidden by a tree if they just faced the tree trunk! - I have a very cute photo of two of them doing that holding hands.) I am thinking about making a topsy turvy rocket gimmick (or would that be overkill?) If you get the story line and patter right, the topsy turvy bottle inclusion would help to make this excellent book accessible to a wider age range of children. Without it, I’d say that the Rocket Book is ideal for performing to 7-10 year olds. The book is very beautifully produced and printed on extra thick paper in lovely bright colours with a high quality, glossy cover, big enough for parlour or small stage but constructed so well you could do it close up without being burned. Another excellent privation from our friends at Amazekids. Thank you Vanishing Inc. for supporting and promoting magic like this. I do wish that they’d do another run of the Colossal Coloring Book of Magic (which serves a different purpose, opening up the use of crayon and colour magic for kids.)
Since writing this review I can add that I have used this successfully with a topsy turvy bottle in tube I created. By having brightly coloured arrows on the tube showing which way is up, the younger children are helped to understand the magic.


Community questions about Rocket Book

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Bruce asks: Is this the "new and improved" version?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes it is. AmazeKids worked closely with Scott Green. The book is more than twice the size, with brighter more colorful illustrations that will play big.
  • Joe asks: Is there a version with just the rockets? Not the jokes? I live in Canada so the food rockets And others don’t carry over.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: In the instructions, Scott explains a simple (2 minute) modification you can make to make sure spectators don't see the pages you want to eliminate.
  • Richard asks: How many pages does the book have? (The actual page count please, rather the number of different Rockets, just to gauge thickness. Thanks

    • 1. Scott Green (creator) responds: Hi Richard! Excluding the cover, the book has 34 pages and is about 0.375 inches thick. When you have it in your hands, you'll see the pages are thick and sturdy—they have a great "snap" when you flip through the book.
  • Bryce asks: Does this come with the tutorial to flip the bottle upside down for that grand finale in the video? Or if I'm on this website should I just know that automatically?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This will happen automatically
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