Soulmate - Sergey Koller and Hide - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Trick by Sergey Koller and Hide
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Trick by Sergey Koller and Hide (199.95)

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Soulmate - magic
Soulmate Soulmate Soulmate Soulmate Soulmate Soulmate

One device, 100s of routines!

Sergey Koller's "Soulmate" is a powerful tool for the parlor and stage magician or mentalist.

Some of the many possibilities include:

PK Drawing
A perfect finisher to your PK touch routine. The two participants are given a board and asked to draw something. Both draw the same thing.

Drawing Match
The last idea can also, of course, be used as a way to demonstrate a connection you have with an audience member. Their drawing will match yours.

Quick and Easy Forces
"Soulmate" is a quick and easy way to force anything. Ask your helper to underline a word on the board and it will be your "force word"

Vanish an Elephant
The iconic stage magic illusion is no longer limited to the big Vegas magicians. You can now vanish an elephant (from their minds). You ask a spectator to remember the drawing on the board, and then show the audience the board. When the spectator is then asked to say what they saw, the audience will be shocked to learn that your helper seemingly can't see the elephant.

Eat/Fart Routine
Wayne Dobson's incredible "Eat/Fart Routine" is one of the best comedy acts you can do on stage. And now it's easier than ever to perform. Wayne Dobson gave Cody Fisher permission to use his idea, and Cody's complete comedy script is even included! This is a delightful and humorous bit of mind-reading that feels like a joke up until the big finale!

"Soulmate" comes with:

  • 2 identical boards
  • 2 dry erase markers
  • Dry erase covering
  • Felt transportation case
  • Complete script from Cody Fisher for "Eat/Fart"

Customer reviews for Soulmate



What a great tool. I use my two boards during every magic performance.
The first routine is some kind of mysterious where a spectator forgets things he saw and then remembers things that where not there. And the second is of course the comedy act. And it's really hilarious. I think that my coin and cube magic is really not that bad but I never get such a heavy reaction from the audience than with this Soulmate comedy act. Sometimes I even feel that I have trouble to stay serious and not start laughing.
Yes, the price is quite high and you really have to take care of it an keep it safe and clean after every act. I would appreciate a higher quality but as always you pay more for the idea than the gimmick. But if should last for a very long time. Only thing I miss is, that the young man talks about a method to force a word which he would explain later in the video. But he doesn't. So you gotta use your own method.
But anyway this is one of the best magic gimmicks I bought so far.



This effects are very good. You will need to rehearse a good script like any other trick but to make the various tricks possible, you should adapt it to your way of presentation. I can see if you make time, use this trick incorporating many of your stock of effects. Clever, convincing-yes the price may high but it should last years and could be used as a quick opener to an individual or a longer effect with 2 participants and an audience.


Community questions about Soulmate

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Todd asks: This trailer and description are a bit vague on what the prop actually is... Is this some kind of electronic device?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is a whiteboard that allows you to switch what is written or drawn on it. No electronics
  • Aman asks: Any elastic threads to break?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No threads!
  • Anthem asks: Does it have two gimmicked boards or just one gimmick and one examinable?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Just one gimmicked. You do not get an examinable board.
  • Laura Bautista asks: Is it conditioned to the language? Could it be used with Spanish words?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can use any language!
  • Christopher asks: The trailer and the description leaves too much info out as to what this is to pay $200. Please provide more info.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This is a switching whiteboard that allows you to switch one drawing/written word for another on the same board.
  • Marko asks: The "PK Routine" where 2 spectators draw the same thing. Can you expand on that. Are they not saying "no I did not draw that"? Asuming they are not into the mechanics of the board, how can they freely draw the same thing? The rest is all clear, especially if you know the company and the products they released before.

    • 1. Apurva answers: I would like an answer to this question too! Also, does one require to purchase 2 boards?
    • 2. Marko answers: There is a vital cut in the video. Does the magician take both boards back to "handle" them and then give them out again? So all spectators go crazy and the 2 spectators get candy to be quiet :-)?
    • 3. Maarten answers: I am really keen on an answer to this question, people@Vanishing! Please help!
    Post an answer to this question
  • Larry asks: Does the purchase come with everything needed to do the pk routine or do I need to purchase two soul mates?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It does not. The gimmick comes with an instructional video on how to use it.
  • Michael asks: Would it be safe to say that this is similar to their Prestige trick?

    • 1. Maarten answers: That's extactly what I was thinking. I bought prestige 2.0 and love it. But I don't want to buy the same prop twice. Please answer!
    Post an answer to this question
  • Steven asks: I'm confused in the description above it says that it comes with 2 boards but in a question down below it says it comes with only 1 board. which is it?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This comes with 2 boards
  • Anthem asks: It says it comes with two boards, the vanishing inc team says it comes with one gimmick, but not an examinable dupe. So what is the other board for?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This comes with 2 boards
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